A couple years ago I became friends with Steve Lucas on FB. He is a certified scorer for Buckmasters. He said that he would be in the area in the next couple of weeks and if i knew anyone who wanted to get their deer scored to let him know and he would meet up and do it. The day he came up i called and told him that a buddy of mine had a coupled he wanted scored. I met him at a store in Falkville and followed me over there. He told me that it wouldn't cost anything to score the deer but if they met the requirements and he wanted them added to the books it would cost something in the nature of $25 or $30 each. While he was scoring the deer my buddy asked me again if this was going to cost anything and i assured him it wouldn't. He couldn't believe that someone would drive all of this way for free to score a deer. A few minutes later my buddy called me outside and asked again if this was going to cost anything because if he was to get charged he didn't have the money to pay him. I handed him $100 and told him if he was to charge him (I knew he wouldn't) to just pay him with it and he could pay me back later. After we walked back in the house i decided to mess with my buddy and sent him a text saying "If he tries to charge you, we can take him up on the mountain behind the house and tie him to a tree and leave him there" and hit send. After i hit send i realized i sent the text to the wrong person, it went to Steve. When his phone went off, i told him that was sent to the wrong person. He just looked at the text and put his phone up. After he left i got a phone call from him asking "gonna tie me up to a tree huh?" Needless to say, it felt kinda awkward. I apologized to him and explained what had happened. I think he got a bigger laugh out of it more than we did.

I had much rather be tried by twelve than carried to my grave by six!!!!