many years ago I hunted with a guy that would get all wound up over anyone within 20 miles of his place killing a good buck. He told me once that those bucks COULD of traveled to his place if they hadn't killed them. I blew it off for years till.....

I found a good 8 point on his place, patterned him pretty quick.I told him how and when to kill that deer, told him he was a five year old, 135" deer. He hunted him once, opp of how I told him to kill him and quit hunting there. He said he didn't think the deer was big as I said it was. Two weeks later I caught the wind right, slipped in and killed him. Five year old. 134" eight. 200 pounds. Better than any deer buddy had ever killed.

This friend was an excellent photographer, so I asked him to take some pics for me. He basically told me to eff off...he was pissed that I killed that deer. I quit deer hunting with him after that.

I've spent most of the money I've made in my lifetime on hunting and fishing. The rest I just wasted.....

proud Cracker-Americaan

muslims are like coyotes, only good one is a dead one