Hunterbuck got me to thinking about the intense management strategy he and his club had adopted and the effects it had on their rut. We all understand the premise that fewer does and more bucks result in more deer movement during the rut. And adopting that strategy could definitely produce those results.

But I wonder how many of ya'll possess the fortitude & sticktuitiveness to follow through with such a program?

And there are possible inherent dangers involved. It is my understanding, due to the nature of does being loyal to their birth range, that if you kill off (accidentally of course) all of the does in a certain area, it could be years before they repopulate that area.

And as someone else has already stated, what chance does the hunter of small tracts have unless everyone surrounding you is on the same page? You shoot your does down and the bucks simply move off onto your neighbors property where there are more does.

What about the folks relegated to hunting public lands, that have no choice in their management practices?

What is wrong with wanting to hunt the rut, as it naturally occurs?... rather than attempting to manipulate it with such an intense management program? And turning the joy of hunting into some sort of science project.