I got out of the car and begged two boys in a suburban to get out and I would stomp their azz right there in the highway. We had just crossed the toll bridge fixing to turn left to go towards orange beach. Well they was a wreck so I turned on my blinker and was trying to get in other lane to go right, towards gulf shores. These bass bumping thugs cut me off and gave me and Jess the bird finger. So when I did get over in the other lane I just pulled off the road and got out. But they wouldn't get out. I told them I didn't appreciate them doing that to my wife. Jess was pissed at me. But she got over it. I ain't gonna put up with it, il be in jail one day. smile

Now they was flipping birds and laughing and cussing at me when I was in the car, but when I got out they rolled them windows up and got their phones out like little punks. These was grown men.

"You do and it will be the biggest mistake you ever made, you Texas brush popper" John Wayne