Originally Posted By: IDOT
It's a revolving door of shat.

"HEY, lets arm the Syrian Rebels"

Syrian Rebels defeat ISIS

"Damn, Syrian Rebels are now starting trouble"

Lets arm ISIS to defeat the Syrian Rebels.

Best thing we can do is remove every American from the region and let them kill each other off. We have spend too many young American lives on these animals. Let them cannibalize each other and if we get wind they are trying something here just bomb em back to the Stone Age. I do not agree that a SINGLE US soldier be put on the ground over there. Been there, done that, didn't get good results. Tim e to try something different!
Our military is overburdened and exhausted. With the new budget cuts our soldiers will NOT be as well equipped, trained , and ready for action like they have been the last 20 years. I can't in good conscience agree with sending our kids to fight an futile war. History has taught us that these people have never and will never be conquered.

Last edited by WhiteCityHunter; 09/16/14 04:46 AM.