I have defended some child abuse claims against black males. It is ingrained in them from their upbringing to "whoop" the kids. They don't wait for them to get older either. It can be a big problem. They are much more violent as a whole when it comes to discipline then you can ever imagine. There is a line between discipline and abuse. I have seen it crossed to the point of death.

Think about it like this. Would you tolerate that abuse to your child from someone other than you? If your child came home from school with those marks, would you be okay with it? Simply because someone is your child doesn't allow you to do something to them that would be criminal if done by someone else.

I am not anti spanking or switching. My son has been spanked plenty of times. But, again, there is a difference in discipline and abuse. Knowing how hard to hit, when to stop and what is age appropriate is the key.