Originally Posted By: jlbuc10
Wow that looks awesome! I eventually would have to pay some one to clean the tank regular. 30% water change on 300 gallons! I've got a 55g. I def spend a lot more time watching my tank than I do tv. I'm about to get out of the game also. Auburn doesnt have a thriving saltwater aquarium market, and it's becoming too difficult to get the things I need.

Thats why I set up an automatic water change system. I'm using a Spectrapure Litermeter III that changes 1.5 gallons a day. All I do is once a month mix up 60 gallons of fresh saltwater in the garage and leave it there in the drums. The Litermeter sucks it out of the garage, through the attic, and into the tank, and then removes another 1.5g's from the tank and dumps it to a drain through the attic. The topoff water does the same, from the garage through the attic.

Made it MUCH simpler than my 90g tank that this replaced!