Originally Posted By: 40Bucks
Originally Posted By: blumsden
Too many variables, to give you a good answer. Where in Alabama are you located? What are you going to plant? What type soil do you have? Sandy? Clay? Ideally you should plant 30 days before your first frost date. As temps drop, and hours of sunshine fade, growth slows down in most plants. The only planting i would use in November would be cereal rye. When the temps are above 36 degrees, cereal rye can grow. Forget about wheat and oats. Brassica's need to be planted earlier than cereal grains to get good bulb growth. October is tough, as i've said before, driest month of the year.

We're located in West Central AL. Soil is loamy/sandy. We're going to go with Rye, Wheat, Oats, Clover and throw in some turnips, too.

Figure out your typical frost date and backcount 30 days. You would probably be fine as long as you can get it in by mid October. Again, i plant when a rain is forecasted, not on a certain day.