When I was 12 or 13 my step father and I were going squirrel hunting at Coosa WMA and it is foggy and dark as all get out and when we round one of those curves, we see a big object in the middle of the road and slam on the brakes and fishtail around this "object" and stop about 75 yards past. Look back and notice its a grown man, not moving at all. Freddie grabs a shotgun and approaches the guy and I get in the drivers seat, in case a hastily gettaway is needed. Bout this time another fella stops on the other side and is walking up too and just walks up and kicks this guy thats on the ground and he jumps to his feet like he was shot and doesnt say a word and just walks right on down the road. This fella was dressed nice with clean clothes, shirt tucked in, and a clean shave, so Im guessing he had been on the crack pipe or all methed out because when he walked away, he didnt stumble or appear to be drunk.. With it being foggy and two in the morning, he is lucky a loggin truck wasnt first down that road because there is no way he would have lived through that..