Originally Posted By: foldemup
Originally Posted By: TChunter
I cant believe how you left us "hanging" with the nekkid dude. Did you figure out who he was or what was going on? Was he running FROM something or towards something? These questions need to be answered. grin

I answered already somewhere above. I think he was just exercising in the nude. No idea who he was. The property is in a suburban area and surrounded by houses, apartment complexes, a trailer park, etc... In the first video he is running towards the direction my truck is parked. My guess is he got down to where he could see my truck through the woods and he got scared and turned around and hauled big arse.

That is soooooo funny. Showed the vids to Lucky Dog last night, her jaw dropped, then I though she was gonna roll on the floor laughing.

"Why do you ask"?

Always vote the slowest path to socialism.