Originally Posted By: deerman24
game wardens have no right on private property unless you give them permission. You give them permission when you buy a hunting license. On your own property(not leased) he does not have a right on it unless he has probable cause the same as your house, he cannot just go into your home without cause. On your private property the rules state you do not need a license to hunt it therefore you are not giving him the right to search. Check out your 4th Amendment.
You want to know how they are given the authority to search you. You give them the right when you purchase a license and sign it, that's why the license is only valid if your sign it. When you buy a license and sign it you agree to abide buy all the rules and give away your right to searches.

You are so wrong. No police officer needs probable cause to come onto property. They need probable cause to search a home, car, building, lean to or any other structure. But not to walk around property. The 4th amendment doesn't cover named land.