Originally Posted By: JTapia
Hold on fellas, there are over 300 Bills with everything ranging from The Keystone Pipeline to Jobs Bills that have passed the House but Harry Reid won't allow a vote on them in the Senate.

Maybe that is a good thing but without a majority in the Senate and House, there ain't nothing going to get accomplished.

Things could be getting done and really they are as far as they can be with Reid protecting the Senate and the Media protecting the Democrats.

These republicans that you say are so eager to pass meaningful legislation, what did they do when they held every branch of government during the Bush years? Immigration reform? Tort reform that would have helped health care cost? Real tax reform like the flat tax? It feels good to say republicans would do right if only they had the chance but the reality is far different. The republican party needs a complete overhaul and that won't happen until we abandon them in large numbers.

"Political debate: when charlatans come together to discuss their principles"