Originally Posted By: 2Dogs
Originally Posted By: centralala
Originally Posted By: 2Dogs
Originally Posted By: doekiller
Originally Posted By: centralala
OK, 2dogs. The original question: Is it legal/illegal to hunt on another persons property without written permission with the hunter? Not our interpretation or the GW. What is your answer on the law?

You must have permission, but it doesn't in all cases have to be written. That is the answer.

Yep, and permission might be given after the fact. GW may check someone, ask for their permit, if they don't have one check with the landowner, then landowner says something like " I told him he could go huntin, he's my guest, no different than a guest in my house, I don't give guests in my house written permission, why should I on any of my other property?." " If I want you to enforce the written permission law I'll ask ya to."

Or he may say" that's the biggest poacher in the area, I told him I don't want him on my property, go write him up!"

It ain't that hard to understand folks. Least the way I see it it's not.

A landowner will NEVER tell a GW what law to enforce. Landowner may ask for extra attention but will NOT tell them what to enforce.

Tell , ask, serves the same purpose in the end. So you don't think the lanowner has any say in the enforcement of the written permission law on HIS property? BULL!

I think the GW CAN write the ticket without running down the landowner. If landowner TELLS the GW and the judge they can't enforce it on his property, he will get his feelings hurt. So, telling and asking doesn't serve the same purpose.