A Christian who is saved will bear good fruit. As Christs refines us and prunes us (as branches on the vine) we will bear more and better fruit. It is the natural flow out of our heart that abides with Christ. It requires effort too on our part.

Galatians 5:22-23 tells us about this fruit
22 But the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, 23 gentleness, self-control; against such things there is no law.

These are character traits, attitudes, attributes and motivations of the heart type of things. It is not a list of duties, works or obligations. It tells what the new heart in Christ will look like.

In our love for others we should strive to love as Christ loved us..Jesus's new commandment for us...the Law of Christ. Christ died for us and was willing to take on the sin of the world for us so that we might have salvation. Our love for others should mirror that self-sacrificing kind of love.

In our joy we are to stay focused on Christ and his love for us looking forward to our Hope, not be yoked by the problems of the world. We will have problems in life for we live in a fallen world, but we are to turn them over to Christ at the foot of the cross.

In our peace we should seek to be peacemakers as far as it depends on us, not quarreling or stirring up strife. We should engage in equipping, encouraging, building up, and loving those around us.

In our patience we should learn to wait on the Lord and die to our desire of worldly instant gratification, accepting God's timing as the best timing.

In our kindness we should love each other deeply and help those in need and offer ourselves as living sacrifices to those around us by using our time, talents and resources in ways that helps and benefits others...all the while with a good disposition and love.

In our goodness we should subscribe to the just, righteous, pure, Holy and true things and flee from and avoid the ungodly and worldly things that are harmful to us because this promotes honor, virtue, integrity when we imitate Christ.

In our faithfulness we are to be true to our Lord, true to our spouses, true to our families, true to our word.

In our gentleness we will strive to be loving, fair, honest and compassionate--even when wronged--because anger, malice, revenge and dissension are not what God has intended for us.

In our self-control we have a duty and an obligation to put forth every effort to be self-governing through all humbleness of spirit in all situations, not letting Satan toss us like the wind, we are to stand firm and in control of our emotions, attitudes, and actions.

These fruit of the Spirit are heart centered and to have them in full measure it does take obedience on our part. Obedience to God is being open to let Him use us for His Purposes and Glory, not stiff-necked and hard hearted as well as following any specific commands or teaching. But that obedience has its root in our faith, love and changed heart for we will desire to obey and desire to bear fruit.

"The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever." Isaiah 40:8

"Neither the wisest constitution nor the wisest laws will secure the liberty and happiness of a people whose manners are universally corrupt.� Samuel Adams