Originally Posted By: augustus_65
Originally Posted By: Wiley Coyote
I don't trust him. He's too mild mannered. We need an ass kicking conservative wilt BALLS that will stand a a microphone (after he's elected)and call Obama the no good, half breed, Kenyan born sonofabitch that he is AND put liberals on notice that he's got a target on ALL of 'em.

The problem is that person would have zero chance of getting elected president. Carson falls into the same category as Ted Cruz and Rand Paul. They are too conservative to ever be elected in a general presidential election. Presidential politics over the past 30 years have been about pandering to your base to make through the primary and then presenting yourself as a moderate to appeal to middle of the road voters in the general election. This goes for liberals and conservatives alike. Both Bush's, Clinton and Obama all made appeals to independent voters and tried to moderate their views to be more palatable to that group that tends to sway presidential elections. Romney lost because he moved too far to the right during the primary and could never make up ground with independent voters.

BULLCRAP..Romney lost cause he was a LEFTY and LOTS of conservatives stayed home!
His healthcare system in Mass was the model for Obozocare.

In Massachusets he was a liberal rino. I lived in NH at the time, my wifes parents in Mass.. Conservatives disliked him! He won in liberal Mass because he appealled to LIBERALS! he was NOT a conservative...ever!

ALOT of real conservatives didnt vote just because they couldnt stomach him. Thats the problem with John Mc Shame too!

The republican problem is that they DO NOT play to their base...but instead lose alot of their base going with the moderate RINOS.
20% of the population are SELF described as liberals, 38 % independants and 42% republicans.

They need to get a majority of the 42% of repubs if they want to win....then 9% of the moderates would give them 51 % ! They lose half the repubs ( the largest group) courting a small percentage of moderate independants. IDIOTIC stategy!

We need another Reagan...who was conservative and called it like it is!