Originally Posted By: Bamabucks14
Originally Posted By: Bamarich2
Originally Posted By: Bamabucks14
Very few of the people in this thread studied Anthropology. On a literature standpoint, read the story of Gilgamesh and countless others. Jesus Christ's story was not an original. I am a believer in a higher power, but when Christ's story copies so many it's hard to think he is All and Everything. As a smart man in Thomas Paine said in Common Sense, published Jan. 10th 1776, " My mind is my own church."

Jesus' story would be a total copy if the book containing it were an ordinary book. The bible contains foreknowledge of humanity that only can be explained by supernatural inspiration. Prophecies from the Old Testament were fulfilled in detail hundreds of years after they were predicted. There are many other historical books which have some of the same kinds of stories in them, but none of them contain these two additional elements - proofs that this book isn't an ordinary book.

So dinosaurs??? It doesn't mention that.

Um, yes it does.

If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land. 2 Chronicles 7:14