One pulled the now dead gunner to the back and flipped him out of the position beside the assistant gunner. The other one shoved me to the back and tossed the machine gun out of the way. Each had a rifle and opened a steady accurate stream of fire into the charging enemy. When one had emptied a magazine and dropped to reload the other soldier took his place and continued killing the enemy. Sitting at the back of the position and looking up I could see their silhouettes through the dirt in my eyes by the light of the flares. They worked together like a machine. One up, one down reloading, other back up, grenade, reload, steady accurate deadly fire. Both wore helmets but I couldn’t make out their faces. During a lull one of them began quietly playing a harmonica. This infuriated the NVA. The soldier just laughed.
The NVA attacked again. They came closer and closer, screaming, firing, and dying from the deadly rifles of the two soldiers. As it seemed if the NVA were right on top of us, one of them looked at the other, nodded his head, each tossed several grenades, waited for them to explode, then jumped out of the position and ran straight at the NVA. My eyes had cleared and I looked over the edge. This was completely unexpected, the NVA were being cut down left and right by the attacking soldiers. They carried the fight into the jungle. The firing was steady then slowly stopped. Our artillery and flares continued to fall.