I understand what you are saying - it is the denominational idea which says "it doesn't matter which denomination you are a part of as long as certain universal ideas are believed and practiced. While you make a case that none of the teachings in the bible are "non-important", you are saying that things related to these nine principles are MOST important.. and as long as these are held one can believe/practice anything else in regards to the other things and not have his/her salvation affected.

Once again, you can't find this idea in the bible. What you are saying is rooted in the fact that "man can't seem to get on the same page". And .. since man can't get on the same page with one another, that means we are free to start classifying things into an "essential" category and a "non-essential" category.

I understand where folks come from on this idea - it's not easy to look and say "that's wrong" in our culture today. However, the "gospel" is far more than just the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus. It consists of everything that is found in New Testament Scripture - all that Jesus taught and inspired others to write. It was offensive in the first century - and it's offensive to many today.

For those questioning this line of reasoning, there are several passages that I can recommend to you (pm if you'd like them)... but consider this fact. A small percentage (comparatively) the gospel accounts details the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ. The bulk of the gospels tell us of things He taught and practiced. Too many today want to rearrange this emphasis - give me mostly the cross/resurrection, but I'm free to hold my own opinion when it comes to matters such as conversion, worship, church leadership. etc.