Originally Posted By: Squeaky
Originally Posted By: droptines
You know guys, I chimed in only to offer some perspective from a landowner's point of view as to why leasing was not all that appealing. I wasn't trying to be a jerk or attack anyone, I was simply giving you my opinion on the issue. Instead of just using that information to your advantage in your next endeavor, it got personal. So obviously my original post was a waste of time. Apparently, if a landowner doesn't lease to you for next to nothing, they are "greedy" or part of some massive conspiracy to kill the sport or, even have the government take away your right to hunt. Unbelievable. You have no idea how many kids, veterans, cancer patients and disabled people have killed their first deer or turkey on my land. Nope, I'm just a some greedy a$$hole landowner because I won't lease to the "working man" out there for $1.00 an acre.

Good luck with your search guys. I'm sure your entitlement attitude will lead to plenty of opportunities down the road. As a matter of fact, you probably should just print out this thread and take it to the next landowner you are trying to strike a deal with. I'm sure they would be thrilled to work with you.

Droptine I never meant for post to imply I was calling you greedy. I apologize calling you out with what I wrote. I'm sure you are a great guy. From what you have stated you use your property for recreational purpose for yourself, family and friends. For that reason alone I would not lease my property for any amount of money. That's totally understood by me. I appreciate your insight on the subject. I don't totally agree but I can see the reasoning behind pricing private land much higher. Thankfully I have no trouble leasing hunting land any where other than Iowa. Most land owners I deal with know that are t going to get rich by leasing to me. They also know they aren't going to a minutes trouble out of me and I'll leave the land better than I found it. Sometimes that means a lot more to them than get the most money they can out of someone who will not respect them or their property. I picked up a ther 400+ acres in IL over the weekend by simply being respectful and a man of my word. I also got it at much better price than what the market is bringing for that type land.

My point about the government is simply when outdoorsman are priced out and the numbers drop off they will come after the land owners for that lost in revenue. You can bet your taxes and everything else they can add on will happen. Hunting is a big business that generates a lot of money for states and the local economy. The number of hunters are dropping off in large amounts due to cost and access to quality hunting land. That isn't or fault. At some point it's going to effect private land owners when states try supplement that lost in revenue with higher land taxes and other fees. I may be badly mistaken but I see the writing on the wall.

In closing my main issue are the guys asking these ridiculous prices for timber company land they lease. They are simply trying to cover a few peoples membership but think we are too stupid to realize what they are doing. I'm done here and once again I apologize for some of my wording directed towards you. I was out of line in that regards.

I appreciate that and I do understand where you are coming from. No hard feelings at all and I apologize for my last post as well.

The problem with message boards is very similar to emails and text messages - there is no context. If we were sitting around a fire discussing this it would probably have gone much different.