Originally Posted By: BrentM
I would tend to agree with drop tines........... If I didn't turkey hunt and owned a farm that may not be a ton of acreage but I used and was sentimental to me there is no way I'd lease out the turkey rights or any other rights to somebody unless I knew them very well. .... Even at $4/acre it ain't worth a thousand bucks to be havin to worry about somebody tearing your fences down, letting your cows out, rutting your roads up, etc.
I would either let a trusted friend hunt it for nothing or a scandalously low price, and know I could count on him to repay they favor in other ways.
Also even if it was a good guy like squeaky that I knew, and let's say leased it to him for $500 or so would it really be worth it when somebody else sees his truck parked on the side of the road and everybody else starts calling wanting to hunt and then somebody pouts up cause you didn't offer him a chance to lease it first and so on............ I can see both sides of it.
