You know guys, I chimed in only to offer some perspective from a landowner's point of view as to why leasing was not all that appealing. I wasn't trying to be a jerk or attack anyone, I was simply giving you my opinion on the issue. Instead of just using that information to your advantage in your next endeavor, it got personal. So obviously my original post was a waste of time. Apparently, if a landowner doesn't lease to you for next to nothing, they are "greedy" or part of some massive conspiracy to kill the sport or, even have the government take away your right to hunt. Unbelievable. You have no idea how many kids, veterans, cancer patients and disabled people have killed their first deer or turkey on my land. Nope, I'm just a some greedy a$$hole landowner because I won't lease to the "working man" out there for $1.00 an acre.

Good luck with your search guys. I'm sure your entitlement attitude will lead to plenty of opportunities down the road. As a matter of fact, you probably should just print out this thread and take it to the next landowner you are trying to strike a deal with. I'm sure they would be thrilled to work with you.