Originally Posted By: droptines
I was just giving my perspective and offered reasons as to why you are seeing rising costs and an unwillingness to lease.

Not sure why that puts me in a negative light, but everyone is entitled to their opinion.

Good luck with your search.

Droptines my point is land owners like your self that can offer responsible sportsman hunting opportunities at an affordable price but choose not to do so because it doesn't contribute substantially to the bottom line will be the end of hunting for the average working man. We may not see it in our life time but your kids or grand kids most likely will.

I'm not calling you out on purpose but just pointing out the growing trend with land owners that feel as you. I understand rising cost of owning land but you guys bought land as an investment. I've meet very few land owners that are going in the hole by owning land. Matter of fact most land owners I know actually do quite well by owning land. I even know quite a few that have flipped properties for a substantial profit to nearly out right own the next property they purchased. It's a known fact that leasing land isn't going to cover a land owners expense of owning land. However it's commonly known it great helps cover land taxes and other expenses. If I were a land owner and had no recreational use for the property then I would lease. Every dollar coming in is less I have to spend out of my pocket. In my opinion the job market, cost of living and economy aren't supporting the average working man being able to afford to pay ridiculous prices.

"Tomorrow is the most important thing in life.
Comes to us at midnight very clean.
It's perfect when it arrives and it puts itself in our hands.
It hopes we've learned something from yesterday."