Originally Posted by Skinny
Skinny aint been smoking anything.
Trump will not be re-elected because he is entirely unpredictable and makes everyone feel insecure. Its like having a drunk crackhead with a loaded gun wandering around your house at night. That is how Trump makes everyone feel. Feelings get votes, feelings loose votes...Trump is a single term president.

You’re absolutely right, feelings vote, look at all the feelings showing up at every rally. I deal with hundreds of small business owners every week. Most these days are not white by the way( Black truck drivers) I hear them talking to each other and I talk to them also. The most popular conversation is how they didn’t want it but Trumps winning has made their life better and they have to support him. I see groups of queers, blacks and women’s now supporting him that never would have before. I hear young people talking about the promise of a future for them that he’s delivering.

I hear a whole he’ll of a lot more people talking good about him now than I ever did before and right after the election. I heard a sackapannie and a Mexican ( I assume both legal) a few days ago talking about the need for not only a wall but a way to get illegals out of our country because they are not coming here the legal way and not being productive additions to our country.

I think he wins hands down. The only folks I see against him are the handout crowd ( this includes most government and municipal type workers that have it way better than they deserve)and the over educated do gooders that know better than everyone else because they read a lot of books and know what’s best for the rest of us