Thanks for all the good info guys and thanks for sharing your own stuff. I'm 3 weeks out now and doing pretty good. I'm eating a lot better but still have to be very careful what I put in my stomach. Carbs are easy ... potato anything, noodles, yogurt, milk, rice. The hardest part had been getting protein. I started eating a little bit of fish last week and this week I started eating a little chicken. Last night I managed to eat a hamburger and ph man that was awesome ... Still can't eat tougher red meat like steak/venison. High fiber absolutely kills me. I had a metamucil one day and I about died the two following days.

I had a mior complication right off, called a hematoma. The doctor re-opened my incision 3 cm wide and had me packing string gauze up inside it for the last two weeks. I finished up with that yesterday and I'm letting the incision seal up now.

I still managed to spend two 5 hour sessions on the ATV this weekend at the hunting club with my hunting buddy. That was actually theraputic. I took it easy and pretty much stayed on the logging roads and off the ATV trails. We even managed to put a thousand yards boots on the ground placing and checking cameras. My incision did start leaking a little bit but I just re-dressed it and kept on. I feel great today ...

TG I'm concerned about drawing my bow too. The issues that led up to this plus the surgery have kept me out of the gym for months now and I am weak. I'm cleared to do some light weight lifting now, just nothing over 25 lbs but that isn't enough to allow me to draw a 60-70lb bow

I don't want to pass quietly into the night. I want to slide in sideways kickin and screamin
Life really is awesome ... Soak it up while you can ...