The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me.

Posted By: BC

The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 12:57 PM

I apologize in advance but this is a very long read.

As many of you know I normally go on an out of state turkey hunting trip on a yearly basis. Although it is a lot of work and traveling, I consider it a treat to myself for chasing hard headed Eastern’s all season in Alabama. I was particularly excited about this season because my wife decided she wanted to go with us this year, and my travel partner Bowhunter84’s wife was going to accompany us as well. My wife has been years ago but injured her back and didn’t get to do much hunting or sightseeing and she pretty much had a miserable trip so I was looking forward to sharing that with the ladies and getting them a Nebraska merriam or hybrid….. whichever one presented a shot to either of them. Long story short the trip was a success and BH84 and I both tagged out with some stud birds and both ladies got their birds after we drug them along on 3 mile physically demanding walks. I was proud of both of them for handling the physical activity of those hills and creeks and getting their longbeards. It was no doubt a successful trip even it if was a little tougher than normal and we dealt with a lot of frustration during the week. Now I’m going to get to the point of this story. We were going to leave on Fri mid-morning and decided to ride around and look at wildlife for a couple hours and come back and load the truck up for the ride home. We went out and rode around and took our last pictures of mule deer, whitetails, and turkeys and decided to call it and head back to town.

All week long I had been having minor stomach issues. One of the things we look forward to in regards to the Nebraska trip is buying beef up there and grilling cheeseburgers. It’s not like buying beef here from a box store, it’s vacuum sealed and in it’s original form with no dyes or preservatives. It is so good and if you have never had it, you are missing out. We had bought some earlier in the week and had delicious cheeseburgers for dinner but both times I got sick and one time it was all I could do not to throw up. I knew it wasn’t the meat because three other people ate it and was fine. We changed the menu to chicken dishes over the next few days and I didn’t have any problems. Thursday afternoon we had fried up a batch of chicken and some pheasant that the farmer had given us from last fall. We fried it all up and the pheasant was so tough it was inedible but the chicken was on point. We had one or two pieces left over in the fridge after dinner. After we returned Friday morning from riding around we loaded up the truck and started cleaning out the fridge. Instead of throwing away the wing and drumstick from the previous nights dinner, I decided to eat it since I love me some cold fried chicken with a little hot sauce. I ate the wing but when I bit into the drumstick after swallowing the first bite I noticed there was some pink on the bone indicating that it wasn’t fully done so I pitched it in the garbage and continued loading the truck with BH84.

After loading everything on the truck I went across the street to the quick mart to get some ice to pack on the turkey meat we were bringing home and they had some iced Yoohoo’s by the register. I thought “Man I haven’t had a YooHoo in forever”, so I got me one and drank it while walking back to the truck. I got in and we pointed the truck Southeast and took off on the long ride home. BH84’s wife wanted to take first shift of driving because she dislikes driving at night, so she got in the captains chair and BH84 got in the co pilot seat, and I got in the back seat with my wife. As we were leaving town that’s when the first twinge of pain hit me which was a minor abdominal cramp. It just felt like my stomach was being squeezed. We traveled about a couple hours through small town Nebraska and Kansas before hitting I- 70. I was getting these cramps every 10 minutes or so but it wasn’t too bad and I just put my head in my wife’s lap and just endured it. We stopped in Kansas City to grab a bite to eat and do some shopping in Cabelas. About halfway through the Cabelas stop the pains started hitting me hard and I would double over. Eventually I had to just walk out of the store and sit in the front on the benches and breathe in fresh air. This is where thoughts of food poisoning from the piece of undercooked chicken started entering my head. We all met back up and got a not so quick bite to eat at a local restaurant who messed up our orders so many times, and after that the cramps started hurting…… bad.

BH84 took over driving at that point and I got in the co pilot seat, and the ladies were in the back. We continued down I-70 towards St Louis and every few minutes I was doubling over in pain but doing it quietly. After quite a while the muscles under my rib cage were so sore and hurting from clenching up that it felt like I was being kicked in the ribs. BH84 drove almost to St Louis and had asked me several times if I needed to find a hospital and I kept declining. At this point everyone in the truck knew something was wrong and talks of appendix was dominating the conversation. In my mind though that fried chicken was the culprit. As we were entering St. Louis BH84 stopped and said he couldn’t go any further he was exhausted. He tried to get his wife to take a second shift of driving but I told him I was fine to drive and he reluctantly handed over the wheel. My wife was very concerned at this point and got up front with me and would not go to sleep. I drove from just West of St. Louis through Illinois and Kentucky and finally into Tennessee and it felt like someone was plunging a bowie knife into my right side every few minutes and twisting it around. About 60 miles north of Nashville I finally pulled over and gave up the wheel. As I got out of the truck I nearly fell I was hurting so bad. My angel of a wife took over driving at that point and I got in the passenger seat and prepared to suffer for several hours.

At this point I was sick and knew something was bad wrong with me. I would lay in the front seat and double over grunting in severe pain that would take my breath away. I took some Tylenol which helped it a little and I drifted off to sleep for an hour or so until one of the sharp pains woke me up close to the Alabama line. I woke up pouring sweat and I felt horrible… my sides felt like they had been beaten with a wiffle ball bat and I was still having the abdominal cramps. We crossed into Alabama and I knew I was in trouble. My wife was traveling as fast as she could go and we got around Decatur and drove into the middle of a torrential thunderstorm. It was raining so hard you could barely see the road so she of course had to slow down. Then just south of Cullman the interstate flow came to a screeching halt. There was a wreck and some young lady had lost her life in it. We sat in that traffic snarl for over two hours and I was moaning and carrying on like I was dying. We finally got around it and made the last hour to the house. Once we got home we quickly unloaded all my gear and clothes and BH84 and his wife took off heading home. At this point I could barely walk and was exhausted from the 20 hour pain filled drive home and I told my wife I had to sleep. She helped me up the stairs and I got into bed in some of the worst pain I have ever experienced and somehow I dozed off around 8 am Sat morning. I woke up two hours later because I was shivering so bad I was shaking the bed. I was so cold that my teeth were chattering and I thought I was going to break them. My wife who had not been asleep since Fri morning jumped up and went and got a thermometer. When she pulled it out of my mouth her eyes got big and she said “No arguments…. we’re going to the emergency room”. I got up and glanced at the digital readout on the thermometer and it read 104.1! I stumbled into the bathroom and took a quick shower and off to St Vincents East we headed.

I figured we would be in the waiting room for hours but as soon as we got there the lady at the front desk said “Mr. Carroll you look a little green around the gills, let me take your temp”. The next thing I knew I was being rushed to a room and IV’s were being jammed into my arms and I was being hooked up to all kinds of machinery. Shortly after I got put into a room a doctor arrived and started pushing on my side and I recoiled in pain. He asked me if I had any idea what was ailing me and I told him I thought it was possibly my appendix just going on the conversation I had with my travel partners on the way home. He told me, “Do you know what organ is right there were I just pushed? I think you have a gall bladder issue based on where the pain and tenderness is located”. First I got an X Ray which didn’t show a whole lot. A little while later they wheeled me down and did a sonogram test (the one they do for pregnant women to monitor the baby), and that didn’t show anything. Later on that afternoon they finally wheeled me down to the CT lab to do a CT scan. After they were done I was wheeled back to my room and it wasn’t 10 minutes later the doctor came in and said “I have good news, it’s not your gall bladder”. I said “What’s the bad news, it has to be something?” He smiled and said “You’re appendix is perforated and is spilling bacteria into your abdominal cavity so we have to take it. There will be a surgeon in here in the morning to take it out.

I was in so much pain I could barely breathe and I sat on that hospital bed all night watching the clock. I tried not to move because every time I stirred my wife who I know had not slept in three days would jump up and ask me what’s wrong. I laid in that bed watching that clock for 8 agonizing hours and finally about 6 am Sunday morning the wheels started in motion. The surgeon visited me and told me what all was going to happen. Shortly after that two nurses came to my room and wheeled me to surgery. The first person I encountered was the anesthesiologist. He told me they would put a general anesthetic in my IV and they would come by and give me a pill and I would go to sleep. It was a lie and they tell you that so people don’t freak out. They pushed that into my IV and that’s the last thing I remember pre surgery.

Here’s where the story gets kind of weird. You ever seen those videos where people wake up from surgery and talk incoherently and rant about weird things? Well apparently when BC wakes up he goes full rage monster on some folks. I came to from the surgery but I couldn’t see, it was like the whole world was black. I could hear a lady screaming “Mr. Carroll stop” over and over. Apparently the nurse on the floor tried to adjust the sheet on my bed and when she got close enough I grabbed her by the hair with my right hand and started swinging at her with my left. The other nurse threw a sheet over my fist as I was swinging and they said I never connected and she was able to stop my punches by pulling on the sheet as I was trying to hit this poor lady. I woke up and realized what I was doing and let go of everyone and I started apologizing over and over. Then I passed out again.

I woke up several hours later in my room with my wife holding my hand. I still had severe pain in my side and the surgeon had put a drain tube in for the infection that had spilled into my abdominal cavity to drain out. I felt like pure hell but I could tell that the problem on the inside was gone. I sat in the hospital two more days in some of the worst pain I’ve ever experienced while they pumped bag after bag of antibiotics into me, while making me get up and walk up and down the halls every hour and a half or so. I finally got to come home on Tuesday afternoon. My poor wife probably didn’t get 5 hours of sleep in 5 days and never left my hospital room from the time I got there until the time I left. The doctor told her I was very lucky because I was probably less than 6 hours from that being really life threatening.

And you know what.......... I can’t wait to go back next year!

Posted By: 7x57_Mauser

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 01:09 PM

Glad you made it out the other side. I can't imagine riding 20 hours with appendicitis. I had to have mine out in 2006 and to the uninitiated, the pain is other worldly. It's like nothing I've ever felt.

While you're in recovery, try not to sneeze if you can help it. That hurts like a mofo after the surgery.
Posted By: crocker

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 01:17 PM

Man that's intense. Glad you got it taken care of
Posted By: BC

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 01:18 PM

Tell me about it. I got a cold over the weekend and coughing is just as bad.
Posted By: poorcountrypreacher

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 01:31 PM

Dang man, that really was an awful experience. I thought my trip to the Midwest this year was bad due to the weather, but it can't compare to that. I'm thankful that you are ok. If you were 6 hours away from it being too late, I don't understand why they didn't do the surgery that night when they finally understood what was wrong.
Posted By: BC

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 01:47 PM

I asked the same thing and they said they didn’t have any surgeons in the building at the time. My wife was pretty aggravated about that too.
Posted By: sj22

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 02:05 PM

Wow! Glad you made it, that’s scary stuff
Posted By: bwhunter

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 02:11 PM

That sounds miserable! I'm glad you are doing better. Good thing the worst pain started after the turkey killing was done.
Posted By: Southwood7

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 03:15 PM

That drive home sounded like pure hell! Glad you’re ok.

As I side note, your story illustrates why nurses deserve every dollar they make 😀
Posted By: JUGHEAD

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 03:19 PM

Dadgum it man! I had no idea! Thankful to hear you are OK now and ready to go chase em again!!!
Posted By: top cat

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 05:38 PM

Posted By: Mully

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 06:16 PM

That sounds rough! Glad everything is ok and congrats on the hunt!
Posted By: Gobble4me757

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 07:14 PM

Man that's crazy! I actually was studying for my board exam a lil bit ago appendicitis and the symptoms etc only to see this. While I was reading it, I was like man it really is sounding like he's got appendicitis and a rupture going on! Real Life example at it's finest and not in some book! lol (not funny at all but couldn't believe the timing of studying it and then reading your story back to back lol) Very serious stuff though man and it's a blessing you have such a good wife to make you go! Glad you are alive and well now as well as congrats to all of y'all on the birds!
Posted By: bamaeyedoc

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/20/19 10:36 PM

I'm really grateful you are OK and are going to be fine. We all can take a lesson away from this. In no way are my comments directed at the OP specifically. But after reading your story and since the majority of our Aldeer family are men, and me being a member of the medical profession, I feel compelled to say a few words.

Guys, we know our bodies and we know when something isn't right. When you feel something is wrong with you, get it checked out. Immediately. The reasons for us not doing so vary and I've heard a lot of them in the 25 years I've been in practice. Sometimes it's us (men) not wanting to inconvenience anyone else by having to ask for help. Or the excuse of men not getting medical attention is "I hate doctors." Ok fine. Whatever. However, the vast majority of the time the reason for not seeking medical attention is simply our ego and pride getting in the way. We're men. We can can tough it out. Pop a Goody powder or a Tums and everything will be fine. loco Some of my graduate work has been looking at this very topic. Multiple epidemiological studies have shown that thousands of men in this country die every year from very treatable and preventable illness simply because they refuse to go to the doctor when something is wrong. Or we never do any preventable care such as getting a physical that can find things before they become a problem. Colon and prostrate cancer lead the way in these deaths with hypertension in the mix. Why? Well some guys don't want to go through a prostate exam because they feel it's a threat to their masculinity. Some men refuse to take their BP meds because of the possible side effects of decreased libido and ED. These side effects are treatable by the way and it takes working with your doctor to find the medicine or treatment that works that minimizes or eliminates the undesirable side effects.

Men, if something is seriously wrong with you, it doesn't get better by waiting. I see it all the time with eyes. For example, many times in my career someone will have a detached retina that starts out with a little blur and the guy says to themselves, "It'll be alright by tomorrow." Well tomorrow comes and it's worse and amazingly, the person will find another excuse not to get it checked out thinking it cannot possibly be worse the next day. Well it is. And the next day and the next. Well a week or so passes by and finally when the vision is like the inside of a cave, they come in. Well, then it's too late and even though the retina can be re-attached, it's like putting a leaf back on a plant with scotch tape after it's been off a week. Yeah, it's back on but it's not going to do any good. However, if the detachment is discovered and fixed quickly, there is an excellent chance that vision can be restored and all is well.

On a more personal note, I'll share this story. It's extreme but true and it brings the message home in a personal way. In 2011 I had an employee leave before lunch on a Friday because he wasn't feeling well. He made a few posts on FB that same afternoon but nothing that indicated anything was seriously wrong. He went dark all weekend and he didn't respond to any text messages. That wasn't too unusual for this guy as he was kind of a loner with few friends so nobody thought much about it. However, when he didn't show up for work the following Monday, every alarm bell went off because he never missed work. After being unable to contact him, his family got very concerned and drove to his house to check on him. They found him dead in his home on lake Jordan. It was obvious he had been coughing blood on the way home Friday as it was found on his steering wheel, dash board,windshield, and the inside door of his car. By the condition of the house, it was apparent that he continued to bleed once he got home and evidently died sometime Friday night or Saturday. Why didn't he call EMS? Why didn't he ask for help Friday? That question still haunts us all to this day. He was able to drive from Montgomery to Lake Jordan (driving by 2 hospitals on the way) and get on the computer afterwards so he definitely could have gotten some help. We'll never know with 100% certainty, but I will always believe he could have been saved had he gotten medical attention the minute he realized something was seriously wrong. Coughing up blood ain't normal, folks!! He was a heck of a great guy too and we still miss him at the office and his family misses him even more.

One of my wife's co-workers was working on his lake place last year when he started having shoulder pain. He attributed it to the work he was doing and kept going. An hour or so later his chest was hurting. It was hot. He was a little winded but he attributed it to the weather and kept working. About 30 minutes later the pain was getting worse but he didn't want to stop working but he decided to go to the ER anyway. All the way to Montgomery he was second guessing his decision. As he told us later, he was sitting in the parking lot of Baptist East thinking he was an idiot for driving all the way down from Lake Martin because by now the pain had subsided slightly and he was feeling a little better. He put his car in "Drive" to go back home but a little voice told him to go ahead and get it checked out. That decision that saved his life. He put the truck back in "Park" and went inside. While he was in triage in the ER, he had a massive heart attack while hooked up to the EKG machine and coded right there. They shocked him a few times and were able to restore a cardiac rhythm. He had a triple bypass the next day. Guys listen to your body. A lot of times it will give you shot across the bow before the crap hits the fan.

BC, I am thankful beyond words that you are alive to write your story. I wish (and hindsight being what it is, I bet you do to) that you had stopped in Illinois or Kentucky or Tennessee as soon as you realized this was not a routine stomach bug or food poisoning and could be serious trouble. You are very fortunate you did not get septic and die before getting proper medical attention. Hopefully your story will be a lesson for us all to take the time to get medical attention when we KNOW something isn't quite right. No matter who it inconveniences or how dumb we may feel for doing it. If it turns out to be nothing, well, I'd rather have that news than have something terrible happen that could be prevented.

Your owe your life to your wife. Get her something a new shotgun that she will let you use to kill more turkeys up there next year!! thumbup Welcome back!

Dr. B
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/21/19 12:39 AM

Dang BC glad your ok. Sounds like it was horrible! Sounds like ya have a great wife too! thumbup
Posted By: dBmV

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/21/19 01:23 AM

Glad your ok now BC. That could have ended much worse. I agree with eyedoc. We all know our bodies and we try to act like we are ok when we really know we are not. I might could have saved myself from my heart attack last month if I had been a little more aware of what my body was trying to tell me before it liked to have killed me. I'm playing the price for it now. What I'm trying to say guys is don't think you can tough it out, odds are you can't.
Posted By: Bowhunter84

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/21/19 01:51 AM

BC is as tough as they come. It was a long ride home and I know it was extremely long for him. I’m glad you are all good now brother! I’m already looking forward to next year!
Posted By: BIG-AL

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/21/19 02:13 AM

Hope you get well soon my friend. Turkey season was rough on both of us. Cost me a toe and nearly a foot. Just like you I can’t wait till next season. My golf cart will be my best friend. God Bless!!!
Posted By: Goose11

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/21/19 03:28 AM

What a story! I knew you were hurting, but I didn't know all those details. Man, I'm glad you're ok brother!!
Posted By: BC

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/21/19 09:34 AM

Thanks everyone.... that was a horrible week and I’m glad it’s over. I just told the story about my ordeal but it went a little deeper than just my problems. I got out of the hospital Tuesday afternoon. When I got home I couldn’t even walk on my own. I had been home about an hour and my mom calls me and tells me that the doctors found a grapefruit sized tumor in my 92 year old grandmothers abdomen and was rushing her to surgery. I couldn’t even get up to walk much less be there for her. I felt like the worst person in the world. Then Wednesday I got word that everything was ok and it was gone and they found it to be non cancerous. Thursday morning I got up and struggled out of bed and went back to see the surgeon to remove my drain tube which was very unpleasant and gross feeling. My appointment was at 11 am but the surgeon got called for an emergency surgery and I sat in that waiting room from 11 until almost 5 pm waiting on him in severe pain. He finally showed and pulled my tube and gave me even more antibiotics to take. So we fill my meds and I get home about 6:20 pm and parked my hurting rear end in the bed. At 7:01 pm my phone rings and it’s my sister saying they are taking my dad to the hospital for chest and arm pain. My wife talked me out of jumping up and going to the hospital until they found out what the problem was. I got a call the next morning saying minor heart attack with no major heart damage and two major arterial blockages that would require surgery and stents. Although I was in no shape it was back to the hospital for two days sitting in a cramped room with him, my wife, and my mom. Sunday I got to halfway rest and then the Doc sent me back to work on Monday. I’d rate that one of the worst weeks ever for me.

Bamaeyedoc, I loved your post. Too many times us men think we are Superman and can withstand anything when the opposite is true. It was a good post and everyone should read it and understand the message. It’s the little things that can get you.... a little small organ that we don’t even use that’s barely as big as your pinky finger nearly got me.
Posted By: BradB

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/21/19 12:23 PM

Man glad they got ya taken care of.Worse pain I ever dealt with was the same thing. Hit the night before Thanksgiving, starting about 10 PM.When my wife woke up at 7 I told her good morning I am going to the hospital.Drove myself there and was in surgery about 3 hour later.
Posted By: Atoler

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/21/19 09:25 PM

Glad you’re ok man, and sounds like yalls trip went a little better than ours.
Posted By: !shiloh!

Re: The Turkey Hunting trip that nearly killed me. - 05/22/19 10:37 AM

Wow glad you are alright