Most unusual thing

Posted By: Turkeyboy

Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 03:46 AM

Spring woods always have some special suprises! Several years ago I rustled my boot in the leaves and had a family of baby armadillos come to me and crawl across my boot, Also found a family of flying squirrels in an old shack . This year had an encounter with a hognose snake (spread adder), .How bout y’all?
Posted By: jacannon

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 12:24 PM

I have watched a humming bird build a nest ,which I went back and got later. I have had black snakes crawl across my boot. Birds light on my gun barrel. Called up and killed coyotes that thought they were going to have turkey for dinner. Spring woods are special.
Posted By: GomerPyle

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 01:27 PM

found a shotgun once....seemed to be a kid's. based on where/how I found it, I assume it fell off a 4 wheeler

dead racoon, wedged in the fork of a tree, about head-high off the ground. couldn't find any obvious signs of CoD.

found a pile of large stones that had very obviously been stacked, by people, about 6-7' tall and maybe 8' across the base. WAY off in the woods. (old home sight or something?)
Posted By: Fishduck

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 01:31 PM

The most special for me was when I crawled into a bottom with a small creek and a beaver pond to get close to a roosted bird. About daylight a wood duck flew out of a hole in a dead tree. Turkey was hammering on the roost, so I stayed put. 30 minutes later the wood duck hen flew back into her hole. She fluttered to the ground and next thing I knew little yellow balls of fluff were falling out of that hole like snowflakes. She gathered the little ones and they followed her towards the beaver pond. The turkey gobbled and strutted on the ridge but as usual the hens won the battle and took him the other way. Can't say that I was too disappointed. The Lord blesses us even when we don't burn any powder!
Posted By: Coosa1

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 01:46 PM

Originally Posted by Fishduck
The most special for me was when I crawled into a bottom with a small creek and a beaver pond to get close to a roosted bird. About daylight a wood duck flew out of a hole in a dead tree. Turkey was hammering on the roost, so I stayed put. 30 minutes later the wood duck hen flew back into her hole. She fluttered to the ground and next thing I knew little yellow balls of fluff were falling out of that hole like snowflakes. She gathered the little ones and they followed her towards the beaver pond. The turkey gobbled and strutted on the ridge but as usual the hens won the battle and took him the other way. Can't say that I was too disappointed. The Lord blesses us even when we don't burn any powder!

I bet that was a really awesome thing to watch!
Posted By: demp17

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 01:55 PM

Originally Posted by Fishduck
The most special for me was when I crawled into a bottom with a small creek and a beaver pond to get close to a roosted bird. About daylight a wood duck flew out of a hole in a dead tree. Turkey was hammering on the roost, so I stayed put. 30 minutes later the wood duck hen flew back into her hole. She fluttered to the ground and next thing I knew little yellow balls of fluff were falling out of that hole like snowflakes. She gathered the little ones and they followed her towards the beaver pond. The turkey gobbled and strutted on the ridge but as usual the hens won the battle and took him the other way. Can't say that I was too disappointed. The Lord blesses us even when we don't burn any powder!

Watched an event similar to this happen a few years ago, hen come rolling out of the swamp with her little ones behind her, they got into the beaver pond and was swimming around. I noticed movement in the water that seemed to follow them as they swam around. I then noticed a little panic in momma and she swam her little ones to the bank and out of the water and back into the woods they went. Curiosity got me so I got up and went and looked and saw a giant turtle in the pond, he was trying to get him some breakfast but just wasn't quick enough.
Posted By: zgobbler5

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 01:56 PM

A couple of years ago I was sitting in a hardwood bottom working a bird that was hung up and hammering every couple of minutes. I had noticed I was in a squirrel-rich environment. There were three in the trees just ahead of me. Everything was nice and calm when all of a sudden I heard a swoosh come out of nowhere. It was a hawk that came in about mach 9 and grabbed one of those squirrels. One of the coolest things I've seen turkey hunting.
Posted By: Mkg0026

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 04:20 PM

I was hunting one of my leases the other day and saw a White hawk. Anyone ever seen one? I would post pictures but I do not know how.
Posted By: Avengedsevenfold

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 06:49 PM

I saw a white hawk a couple of months ago. Thought I was losing my mind
Posted By: lefthorn

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 09:41 PM

Wasn’t hunting but saw a white crow not too long ago. Was milling around with some regular crows
Posted By: Festus

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 10:02 PM

I'm 61 years young and was disking my dove field in Waverly last fall. Looked up and saw this BIG WHITE Bird come gliding in and light in a Poplar tree. First Glimpse I thought Pigeon....WAY TOOOOO Damn BIG for a Pigeon. It flew to another tree and lit. I drove the tractor over to the tree and it let me get right up to the tree before it pitched out. SOLID WHITE with only a SLIGHT Dingy Color on the tips of the tail feathers. I'm thinkin' do to was a Red-Tail Hawk. I wished him well as he flew....Dove season opened a week later.....
Posted By: deerhunt1988

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 11:39 PM

Called in a mountain lion the first day I ever hunted New Mexico.
Posted By: Remington270

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/04/19 11:48 PM

Originally Posted by deerhunt1988
Called in a mountain lion the first day I ever hunted New Mexico.

Had to be in Alabama. Since there's so many here slap
Posted By: Turkeyboy

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 12:26 AM

Good stuff guys!
Posted By: !shiloh!

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 12:49 AM

Long story short I heard a gobble a mile off one morning. No other birds where gobblin so off I went.i knew he was close to some RR tracks so I got up to the tracks and called. He answered maybe 100 + out. Well I get sat up and I start hearing a train coming.
I call again, he's closer.... waiting...train with in 300 yards and I see him . He is strutting his way to me coming down the tracks. I Yelp to him as loud as I can and he cuts me off . The engineer evidently saw him and started laying on the horn . This bird is in full strut gobblin his head off at this train and just before it runs him over he runs off the tracks on my side . While the train is thundering by I shot him.
Posted By: !shiloh!

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 01:05 AM

A friend of mine was piddlin on some "public" property one time. He walked a long way down a gas line and stopped on top of a hill to listen. There is a bunch of old insulation and duct work some one dumped out there years ago. So he said it was getting good and daylight and hadn't heard anything so he hoots . When he did he said a woman woke up that was sleeping in the trash pile and ask him whatthehell are you making owl noises for?? And no she wasn't hot...
Posted By: deerhunt1988

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 01:57 AM

Originally Posted by Remington270
Originally Posted by deerhunt1988
Called in a mountain lion the first day I ever hunted New Mexico.

Had to be in Alabama. Since there's so many here slap

dem's panthers!
Posted By: BOFF

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 02:12 AM

Originally Posted by !shiloh!
A friend of mine was piddlin on some "public" property one time. He walked a long way down a gas line and stopped on top of a hill to listen. There is a bunch of old insulation and duct work some one dumped out there years ago. So he said it was getting good and daylight and hadn't heard anything so he hoots . When he did he said a woman woke up that was sleeping in the trash pile and ask him whatthehell are you making owl noises for?? And no she wasn't hot...

I can't imagine the itching that sleeping in insulation would cause.
Can't hardly stand to work in the attack due to the insulation up there.

Makes one appreciative of the things we often take for granted like a clean bed and a roof over our heads.

God Bless,
David B.
Posted By: AC870

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 02:43 AM

I’d finished hunting. It was late in the morning, nearly afternoon. Heard a high pitched squealing coming from the base of a tree with brush around it in the edge of a food plot. I go to investigate and find a snake in a rabbit nest. It had a baby rabbit in its mouth. I killed the snake and put the little bunny back in its nest. I still killed snakes back then. I’d prolly let nature take its course nowadays. Snake got to eat too.
Posted By: Carlos

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 03:40 AM

Heard rustling in the leaves behind me for probably 30 minutes. Couldn’t take it any more, peeked around and a box turtle was slipping by.
Posted By: nomercy

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 04:51 AM

While sitting in a loc on I had a falcon intercept and destroy a smaller bird about 8 ft in front of me. Hit it so hard they went to the ground. Then it flew off with its prize.

Last year I watched a 2ft gray rat snake climb 30 ft to the top of a saw tooth. That was a surprise for sure. Joker went right up the side. No limbs or anything.
Posted By: Ant67

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 12:54 PM

We were turkey hunting in South Dakota and saw a Miriam hen that had somehow hung herself in the forked branch of a huge cottonwood tree. She was easy 100 feet in the air hanging by her neck.
Posted By: Coosa1

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 01:11 PM

I was sitting in a pop up blind on a greenfield one afternoon waiting for a turkey. Heard something rustling around in the leaves behind the blind and joked to myself about how it sounded like a snake. Well a few seconds later I heard it again, but this time it sounded like it was inside the blind. Turned around in my chair to see about a 6ft chicken snake right under the back of my chair. Now I'm not one to be afraid of snakes, I'll usually pick them up and play with them, but when they sneak up on me in a tight spot like that I can't control my reflexes. I jumped up against the far side of the blind and when I freaked out he freaked out. He couldn't figure out how to get back under the blind so he started climbing the wall, all the while with me kicking chairs and turkey vests at him. Finally I just flipped the whole blind over and got out of it while he crawled off through the leaves. I wish there had been a camera in that blind to capture the rodeo and all the cussing that was going on in there.
Posted By: Remington270

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 01:38 PM

One time I found a whole gun grown into a tree.... beers
Posted By: Justin Brown

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 01:55 PM

Was hunting a food plot one afternoon and could hear something walking around just on the outskirts but go too dark to see what it was. Decided I was going to sit there until it came out in the plot. I listened to it walking around for at least 30-45 mins and finally had enough so I climbed down. While I'm climbing down I can hear it getting closer to me. I finally hit the ground and get my flashlight out and shine it where the noise was coming from and its a damn emu about 10 yards from me. Scared the s#$^ outta me. Come to find out it belonged to someone up the road and it kept getting out of the pasture so they just let it roam around.

Coolest thing I've seen is a bobcat climb about 25 feet up a tree after a squirrel. The speed at which that joker got up that tree was amazing.
Posted By: Coosa1

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 02:09 PM

Originally Posted by Justin Brown
I finally hit the ground and get my flashlight out and shine it where the noise was coming from and its a damn emu about 10 yards from me.

When I was about 6 years old I was at home with my mom and I remember my dad came busting through the door and running for his bedroom. He quickly came back out shucking shells into his old Remington 1100 as he was walking back out the door. About a half hour later he and my uncle showed back up with a dead emu in the back of the truck. Apparently a few had escaped from someones pen and they just said shoot on sight. Well my dad and uncle strung this thing up in the door of our shop and butchered it. I can still remember dad sitting a plate of what looked like sauced up pulled pork on the table and calling it "EMUbecue".
Posted By: 7x57_Mauser

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 04:43 PM

Had 3 woodcocks flush right next to me on Wednesday afternoon. I've killed plenty of Snipe (not in AL), but have never seen a timber doodle. They flew about 20 feet, landed, then just started milling around doing their thing.
Posted By: Festus

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 06:15 PM

Waaaaaaay back in the early 70's got on a Turkey Gobbling his head off.....but he stayed in one spot....for about 2 hours. I got curious and decided I might could sneak up on I was only about 12 years old and Naive!! Snuck up to a friggin' pen with thickets all around it and there was this BIG White SOB-itchin' Turkey!!!! Pissed my whole morning fooling with this Bastige....had no idea anyone was living in that area!!!
Posted By: James

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 06:43 PM

Originally Posted by Justin Brown
Was hunting a food plot one afternoon and could hear something walking around just on the outskirts but go too dark to see what it was. Decided I was going to sit there until it came out in the plot. I listened to it walking around for at least 30-45 mins and finally had enough so I climbed down. While I'm climbing down I can hear it getting closer to me. I finally hit the ground and get my flashlight out and shine it where the noise was coming from and its a damn emu about 10 yards from me. Scared the s#$^ outta me. Come to find out it belonged to someone up the road and it kept getting out of the pasture so they just let it roam around.

Coolest thing I've seen is a bobcat climb about 25 feet up a tree after a squirrel. The speed at which that joker got up that tree was amazing.

Should've shot that bastard (the emu) they eat purty good 😀
Posted By: lances

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 07:07 PM

Was climbing steep hill chasing a gobbler and heard a stampede of leaves wrestling above me getting louder and louder. I grabbed onto a tree to hold on and look up and 2 big black snakes come flying over the hill in a cork screw manner. Sacred me to death. Read later that’s how they mate.

Couple years before walked up on 2 turtles making out lol.
Posted By: 3toe

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 08:21 PM

Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by Justin Brown
Was hunting a food plot one afternoon and could hear something walking around just on the outskirts but go too dark to see what it was. Decided I was going to sit there until it came out in the plot. I listened to it walking around for at least 30-45 mins and finally had enough so I climbed down. While I'm climbing down I can hear it getting closer to me. I finally hit the ground and get my flashlight out and shine it where the noise was coming from and its a damn emu about 10 yards from me. Scared the s#$^ outta me. Come to find out it belonged to someone up the road and it kept getting out of the pasture so they just let it roam around.

Coolest thing I've seen is a bobcat climb about 25 feet up a tree after a squirrel. The speed at which that joker got up that tree was amazing.

Should've shot that bastard (the emu) they eat purty good 😀

I'm more wondering what you hunt in the springs woods from a climber? Hmmm laugh
Posted By: James

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 10:06 PM

Originally Posted by 3toe
Originally Posted by James
Originally Posted by Justin Brown
Was hunting a food plot one afternoon and could hear something walking around just on the outskirts but go too dark to see what it was. Decided I was going to sit there until it came out in the plot. I listened to it walking around for at least 30-45 mins and finally had enough so I climbed down. While I'm climbing down I can hear it getting closer to me. I finally hit the ground and get my flashlight out and shine it where the noise was coming from and its a damn emu about 10 yards from me. Scared the s#$^ outta me. Come to find out it belonged to someone up the road and it kept getting out of the pasture so they just let it roam around.

Coolest thing I've seen is a bobcat climb about 25 feet up a tree after a squirrel. The speed at which that joker got up that tree was amazing.

Should've shot that bastard (the emu) they eat purty good 😀

I'm more wondering what you hunt in the springs woods from a climber? Hmmm laugh

True 🤣
Posted By: Justin Brown

Re: Most unusual thing - 04/05/19 10:23 PM

Let me clarify, I was bowhunting a food plot in late October, for deer, when this happened.