What to do?

Posted By: Reloader79

What to do? - 04/03/17 07:53 PM

Question for the professional turkey killers as I consider myself an entry level candidate. I know where one is staying and have been on him for two mornings , first morning had him answering me good and he was about 200 yards out, then someone decided to crank up some type of equipment and spooked him. Second morning went back to a different road where I would be closer to him, about 6:15 he gobbles, I set and let him do his thing and he gobbles about five times before I yelp to him real lightly. He answers the yelper immediately. Keep in mind I'm only about 150-175 yards from him, he's roosted in an SMZin a 1yr old cutover. I hear him fly out of the tree but I can't see him, he gobbles and in yelp softly again, immediate answer this continues for about 6-8 more times and then he hushed and never responded again. I waited for an 1hr and half and never seen nor heard him again. I think he's an old wise bird, and maybe to smart for me, any suggestions.
Posted By: alight1983

Re: What to do? - 04/03/17 08:10 PM

Get in there really early and sit where he flew down. Keep it soft. May not have to even call just scratch in the leaves. No I am not a professional.
Posted By: deerfu39

Re: What to do? - 04/03/17 08:14 PM

Good advive ^^^
Posted By: PaintRock0

Re: What to do? - 04/03/17 08:16 PM

Coyote or something spooked him
Posted By: Atoler

Re: What to do? - 04/03/17 08:19 PM

Shoulda probably shut up after he answered the 2nd time, instead of repeating 6-8 more. But every situation is different. FYI, I'm becoming more and more convinced that I don't know how to kill turkeys, so take the advice for what it's worth.
Posted By: hopper35005

Re: What to do? - 04/03/17 08:36 PM

Well in my experience ....I have been struggling with this one bird I got close real early . I dropped to one hen decoy , and took my time by not stepping on any sticks or making any noise ...I was set up by 5 am, and waited, I waited till right about fly down ....and I used my slate( low volume) I clucked twice and flapped my hat about 10 times, then tossed my call in the bushes so I couldn't get it without getting up. Wiithin 15 minutes he was blowed up beside my decoy, and I rolled him. I believe that if I would have called any more he would have went the opposite way
Posted By: hopper35005

Re: What to do? - 04/03/17 08:37 PM

I don't like to make them gobble any more than I have too. Because I don't like competing with the real hens
Posted By: Reloader79

Re: What to do? - 04/03/17 08:48 PM

Good advice, hopper I've never had a decoy but may need one to kill this ole boy. I'd like to take my ole man but he has a hard time walking any long distance, he's killed his share through the years for sure.
Posted By: BamaGuitarDude

Re: What to do? - 04/04/17 08:49 AM

I like hopper's idea, and it's what I've gone to doing a lot, too (minus the hat slappin' & call throwing parts LOL)... Some birds are lovers, some birds are fighters... But a solo hen decoy & light calling close to his roost & fly-down area, setting up early, and DO NOT CALL (much, if at all) until his feet hit the ground & then a little yelp or two & that's it, enough for him to see your hen deke oughta seal the deal... He may not be an old bird at all, he may just know that his hens always come to him -- so, go to him...