So, about Lay Lake....

Posted By: ikillbux

So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/13/19 07:45 PM

If I was fishing a tournament out of Beeswax next weekend (I am grin), probably gonna go fool around down there tomorrow till lunchish, would you suggest going up or down river? Not asking for secrets, just trying to narrow down a lake I'm not terribly familiar with.
Posted By: Ben2

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/13/19 09:58 PM

They biting up and down. If they are going to run water at logan martin dam during tourny hrs then up will be tough to beat
Posted By: ikillbux

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/14/19 12:45 AM

Tenfo.... I think I'm gonna start up the pond in the morning, just find some stuff. I've got more knowledge from Paradise Point down than I do from Beeswax up, so we'll see.
Posted By: jaredhunts

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/14/19 01:09 AM

O fished a tourney on that lake many years ago. It was neat getting up there by the power plant. I remember it being very windy and the dock and ground were moving when I got to the weigh in.
Posted By: Ben2

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/14/19 03:23 AM

I would start in beeswax fyi
Posted By: ikillbux

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/14/19 11:16 PM

I did start in Beeswax, it was just "off" this morning.... Had 5 different fish absolutely toilet flush a buzzbait, two after I put a trailer hook on it, not a one got it. The weirder part to me was they wouldn't hit anything as a follow up (not a wacky flick shake, not a Senko, nothing)'d just get the initial KABOOSH!!! and then it was like they just kept on swimming. Not a single bite on a frog, everything seemed to require a "reaction" bite. Finally about 9:30 I caught some fish under docks, most were about 2 pounds, one might have been upper 2's. I'm sure folks more familiar with Lay probably caught some offshore, but I just couldn't find anything on the ledge. Didn't have any action on the main river whatsoever, ledge, docks, steep banks, grass, you name it. All the fish I caught were way off the river in pockets.
Posted By: ikillbux

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/14/19 11:18 PM

Only thing I didn't do was fish "deep", heck you know all the ledges from Beeswax to the steam plant ain't 5' deep on top.
Posted By: Ben2

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/14/19 11:57 PM

I would not think deep fishing was needed as shallow as the bait is
Posted By: Ben2

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/16/19 04:08 PM

Won the little Sunday afternoon tournament with 14 yesterday lost a big fish shallow maybe a 4-5 lber. Caught 15 or so fish but most were 2-3.25 lbers. They have the shad hemmed up in the edge of the grass and are feeding heavy.
Posted By: ikillbux

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/16/19 04:43 PM

Originally Posted by Ben2
Won the little Sunday afternoon tournament with 14 yesterday lost a big fish shallow maybe a 4-5 lber. Caught 15 or so fish but most were 2-3.25 lbers. They have the shad hemmed up in the edge of the grass and are feeding heavy.

I hate you rofl No seriously, I had a decent amount of "action" around that submerged grass, but didn't actually catch fish from it. I dunno, maybe it was just the conditions / mood of the fish on Saturday. Couple of our club guys went down there yesterday and said they "wore 'em out", and to me they aren't all that good, so I'm not trusting what I did/didn't do Saturday. Thanks for the info!

I followed a buddy down there Saturday morning, he had also fished down there all day on Friday.... Friday he said him and his son caught about 16+ pounds (1 largemouth and the rest spots). He stayed later than I did on Saturday, called me on his way home and said he only caught two fish before noon (similar to my results), finally caught a few small spots from noon till about 3:00. Of course I was told of a tournament that took 15 on Saturday, said they caught their fish on frogs "down river" somewhere. Who knows.
Posted By: William

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/16/19 05:33 PM

Sept is spinnerbait in the grass time in my experience.
Posted By: ikillbux

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/17/19 03:31 PM

Originally Posted by William
Sept is spinnerbait in the grass time in my experience.

Not totally sure why, but most of the grass you find this year has that old black "horse hair" moss in it. If you touch the grass it totally clogs your lure.
Posted By: ikillbux

Re: So, about Lay Lake.... - 09/22/19 12:52 PM

Well I wish I could brag on myself this morning, but I peed the bed. Nothing worked out like I expected. I left from Beeswax and ran down under the bridge in Cedar Creek at daylight, thought it was odd that I only saw 1 other boat back there (and I'd guess between us and another good sized tournament, not a single boat followed me down the river. Plus Sunset Marina looked PACKED with trucks/trailers when I came by)..... at 7:45 I hadn't had a single bite, so I finally worked my way back out closer to the main river and caught a couple, one about 3 lbs. I reckon all the locals and those who had practiced already knew what I didn't. I caught 3 or 4 small non-keepers on a spinnerbait, but otherwise didn't have a single bite the whole day on a buzzbait, chatterbait, frog, or any kind of walking/popping topwater. I didn't catch a single fish from a boat dock either. Around late morning I figured out two small non-descript pockets off the main river that had submerged grass in the backs and found good sized largemouth schooling on teeny tiny shad in the backs. I caught another 3 pounder, and lost two more 3 pounders and one that looked 4-5 pounds. They would hit and immediately jump, and dang they kept throwing my lure. I haven't fished that dirty in as long as I can remember. I wound up with only 3 fish for 7-1/2 pounds, could've / should've had double that or more. I thin 15.69 won ours (they had 16.69 with a 1 lb dead fish penalty), then several bags in the upper 13's to low 14's. Big fish was 4-something. Of course all the guys who went upriver acted like they caught 50 fish on every lure they threw all day long. The guys who won said they caught ALL their fish on the main river in 10' of water.