First Year Heifer

Posted By: GUT_SHOT

First Year Heifer - 04/09/20 05:08 AM

We have a group of cows mixed with about 20 mamma cows and 6 first year heifers. One of the heifers has separated herself from the herd over the last few weeks. This goes against natural instinct. I did see our bull following her around a couple of weeks back, but did not witness anything happening. Could this have triggered her to "hide" ?

Have any of you experienced this ? Did they grow out of it?

I know it's a pain when moving the cows to different fields for grazing.

Cursing Cow Farmer
Posted By: paintrock

Re: First Year Heifer - 04/09/20 07:14 AM

I had one like that. She grew out of it and became a fine cow. On the other hand, I had a cow that had her 4th calf earlier this week and she just went batmess crazy. She was always social and let me walk right up to her and her calves once they were born but now runs to the other end of the pasture and stays away from the herd. I don't understand it.
Posted By: FurFlyin

Re: First Year Heifer - 04/09/20 12:33 PM

You sure she isn’t bred? She may be about to calve.
Posted By: top cat

Re: First Year Heifer - 04/09/20 10:37 PM

Had to pull a calf this morning. Big ol bull. It was her first and having trouble. Hope she takes to it.
Posted By: Stob

Re: First Year Heifer - 04/09/20 11:17 PM

Originally Posted by FurFlyin
You sure she isn’t bred? She may be about to calve.

my first thought
Posted By: GUT_SHOT

Re: First Year Heifer - 04/10/20 04:20 AM

No she's not about to calve. She about 14 months old and only been with our bull about 60 days. If she was older I would think the same,acts just like a cow ready to calve.

Maybe she'll grow out of it.

thanks guys
Posted By: jb20

Re: First Year Heifer - 04/10/20 07:49 AM

We separate ours about 3 times a year and keep em in a designated pasture for 6 months..