hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma

Posted By: toddmcgill

hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/07/16 10:17 AM

hello my name is todd mcgill i live on the cahaba river right outside selma, recently i pulled my cameras to check, and to my suprise found pics of a olive drab ranger with a cage full of dogs on my property, i would post the pic but dont know how,the vehicle does however have some obvious identifiers, at this point i just want whoever it is to contact me and explain why they think its ok to poach on my property, i live here im not hard to find to ask permission. i realise you want to chase your dogs , but in the pics your dogs are all in the cages on the vehicle, please contact me to resolve this issue without me calling the game warden, an apology and the promise to contact me if your dogs get on my property again so i can come supervise activities on my property would be a good start. if noone come forward like a man to face up to it i will have no choice but to involve the warden, who im sure will recognize your ranger from the identifying marks.

thanks for your time.
Posted By: Hogwild

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/07/16 05:28 PM

There are very few dog hunters on here.
But, if you post the picture, I will see if I know them. And, will tell you if I do.
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/07/16 05:42 PM

i really dont want to do that, im not trying to out anyone in public, and im not really mad, "anymore" i just dont like people on my property without asking, i live here to me that is home invasion coming in from behind my house. it might be alot of acres but it is my back yard,they were most likely working for a group of guys out of montgomery who manage what is known around here as the old weaver place, at hwy 22 and county rd 219, dallas county, right out side selma, they hired the same group last year and they crossed several property lines last year also without permission from any of us, im sure they are going with the old addage that it is easier to get forgiveness than permission, or whatever , i dont care, i dont want the dogs on my land.
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/07/16 05:44 PM

if whoever it was doesnt want to post in public just pm me, ill give you my phone number if your dogs do come up this way you can call me. i just want the same respect you expect at your house.
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/07/16 05:45 PM

and quit eating all those chips ahoy.
Posted By: akbejeepin

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 10:08 AM

yeah...chances are your guy isn't on this site.
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 10:51 AM

ive had a few people pm me suggesting i will never get anyone to "RAT OUT " thier buddy, thats not what im trying to do, im trying to keep from having to "RAT SOMEONE OUT" i dont want to involve the game warden, i believe they have enough on there plate, and i think this person hunts hogs for pay, im not trying to mess up thier gig, i think we should be able to handle it among our selves what i want isnt unreasonable, i dont know exactly who they are, but i have enough info thet im pretty sure a law enforcement officer would have no problem finding them, i share a taxidermist with the people who own the land these guys were paid to remove hogs from, but i dont really want to go that route, it would involve complaining to the person stroking there check,and reporting them to the game warden , which i cant imaging would be good for them and thier business, there is no way to get onto my property without coming through a clearly marked property line gate or fence. and coming across 800 acres that dont allow dog hunting before they got to me, plus all dogs were on the side by side, they were looking around trying to find hogs to turn loose on, all i want is to be sure this doesnt happen again, im not cool with it, it isnt ok and im trying very hard to handle it without costing someone a bunch of money, its not a trick to bust them , i just want to talk to them and be sure it wont happen again, i have no idea how to post pics here but , people keep asking me to so ill at least give you a description, its a olive drab side by side in the center top of the windshield there is an orange sticker of a cartoon hog head surrounded by text, on the back of the truck dog box, is a orange tri angle tractor saftey sign with reflector around the edge, and a round white sticker on the center that has a long thin black marking from top to bottom of the round circle, im willing to wait to take action until monday, if i havent heard anything by them im going to turn the pictures and the info about who they were working for and how to get in touch with them , i dont want to do that but i will , if i dont have some sort of explination and a willingness to cooperate in the future to be sure we dont have probs again.
Posted By: Hogwild

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 12:24 PM

I would simply call the people who you assume they were 'working for' and ask them.
Most Polaris Rangers are Olive Drab.
And, I have just GOT to ask.......
How do you know that 'all' of their dogs were in the box unless you know how many they have with them????

If you will text me a picture, I will post it for you.
I would like to know who it is. And, it does not sound familiar with cartoon characters and Slow-Moving Vehicle emblems......
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 12:42 PM

i dont know what all of thier dogs were doing i dont guess not that that matters, i did not get any pics of loose dogs with 33 cameras on 155 acres, i did get a bunch of pics of them in the cages ond on leads on top of the cage, and i dont have a damn thing to explain to anyone, i didnt do anything wrong , and if people keep acting like im the bad guy i may not wait until monday. i explained inmy post why i dont contact them, i dont know the guys , i know the taxidermist they use, and frankly its not my problem to go through all of that trouble to track them down, if it comes to that i will let the game warden handle it, i really cant believe how many people seem to think im the bad guy here, really. i mean i guess your cool with other people running around in side by sides on your land?? even if its just a lease and you dont own it , i bet you would feel diffrent if people were running dogs on it without permission, i dont really care if you guys like me or not, i have explained my position and if you just want to roll the dice thats fine, maybe im full of it and dont have any way to find you. i dont really care i dont have a damn thing to apologise to anyone for , and dont appreaciate people acting like im a douchebag for being pissed about poaching, just because its for hogs doesnt make it ok, poaching is poaching, at least as far as law enforcement is concerned,
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 12:44 PM

and if i sound upset it isnt your post its the nasty pm's im getting
Posted By: Hogwild

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 12:51 PM

Who has sent you nasty PM's?
I know I have not!!
And, I have offered twice to try and help you identify the people.

So, why are you so angry?
What is your motive for making these posts? There are only 3 or 4 guys on this forum that hunt hogs with dogs. So, the likelihood of you reaching them here is very slim.
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 01:35 PM

i am not saying you did , i said it wasnt in response to you, i sent the pics once , maybe it wasnt you, if you pm me your number ill send you the pics, and the pms arent anything serious , just has a general tone , seems like everyone feels like im being a douche to even bring this here. well not everybody ive had some nice comments also, honestly i dont think this is doing any good, no one is going to help me. im the enemy, and they are your" brothers ". so ill send the pics if you want them and other than that im pretty much done with this thread, so if a mod wants to delete it i could really care less at this point, im getting the idea that ill have to handle it myslef, which is what i should have done in the beginning, i was trying to be reasonable. and not cause unreasonable problems for anyone.
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 01:38 PM

and im angry because people have come onto my private property , without permission , to hunt in a way i dont allow, and when i ask for help i get stuff like how do you know all there dogs were on the buggy, what diffrence does it make. this is my property i live here , and i have a buggy full of armed men in camo riding around without my permission, thats why im so damn mad,
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 01:40 PM

and i suspect someone with radio collars and gps can follow proprty lines, i know my blood tracker sure can , and i have never jumped a line with him, we call before we go in.
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 01:47 PM

and i realise most of you dont use dogs it is a small community of people who do, which is why i posted it heresomeone know them there just arent that many people hunting hogs around here with dogs
Posted By: Hogwild

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 02:37 PM

I have not seen this 'band of brothers' ideaology that you speak of.
I am the only hog-dogger who has posted. And, that was an attempt to HELP!!! I do not agree with poaching. And, have not insinuated such. I asked a question about the dogs in the box because you kept saying it.....I simply wondered how you knew how many they had. I was not saying that it was ok for them to be on your property.
I will PM you my number.
And, everyone that personally knows me, knows that I will help you if I can!!!
Posted By: jallencrockett

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 02:52 PM

Todd, hope your inquiry ends ok for all but I do have a question. Were you serious when you stated that you have 33 game cameras on 155 acres? and if true WHY ???
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 03:06 PM

my answer is why not? lol. i like to know where my deer are and what they are doing, i realise its overkill , but i like pics , and keep track of my deer from year to year, it helps me greatly to have so many pics, so i have abple chances to get to know my population, i have very strict harvest requirements for my self and it help me not to make too many buck fever mistakes, i also live close to town and this isnt the firs group of people who have come onto my property uninvited, they way i have it set up if you come on my propery im probably going to know it. and have pics. its come in handy a few times. im sure it is camera over kill but i like it.
Posted By: goodman_hunter

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 03:10 PM

I sure hate that happened, I have to admit though, when you said all there dogs were in the box. I was thinking the same as hogwild. I dont think HW was trying to be cross with you, but I'd be willing to bet he would help because outlaw dog hunters cause problems for legit dog hunters. I think we can alll agree with the fact that you have every right to be angry about this. Hope you get it worked out.
Posted By: Hogwild

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 03:15 PM

I got your pics nad replied.
Although I do not 'know' the guys, I am familiar enough with most hog doggers that I have an idea who it was. I sent it to you.
Posted By: Bustinbeards

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 03:40 PM

Originally Posted By: Hogwild
I got your pics nad replied.
Although I do not 'know' the guys, I am familiar enough with most hog doggers that I have an idea who it was. I sent it to you.
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 04:45 PM

thanks for the help , he got in touch with me and seems like a decent guy, we swapped numbers and he promised to contact me in they need to cross the line again in the future, so problem resolved. thanks again hogwild. saved everybody a bunch of headaches.
Posted By: Hogwild

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 04:52 PM

No problem!
My impression of the guy was that he was a good person.
Everybody makes mistakes!!!
I am really glad that y'all were able to work things out!
Posted By: toddmcgill

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/08/16 05:53 PM

he seemed to be honest , he didnt try to make excuses just apologised and asked what he could do for me , which was all i really wanted,he was trying to get at a big boar hog that lives in my beaver swamp, ive been trying to get him too, in fact i just put new batteries in trough feeder light he might die tonite, anyway he did the right thing and came froward so i have no problem with him, were cool , and i dont think it will happen again which is what i care about.
Posted By: Teacher One

Re: hog hunters around the cahaba river area between hwy 80 and 22 outside selma - 06/10/16 06:45 PM

Handled well! thumbup