
Posted By: Emile

Clover - 02/22/20 01:10 AM

When should clover be planted? I’m thinking of planting a few clover fields I’m in Clarke county.
Posted By: jwalker77

Re: Clover - 02/22/20 02:13 AM

In the fall usually but there is a small window in the spring. I planted some white clover last spring. It came up really good but the grass and weeds overtook it. You can get it up here before long if you hit it right.
Posted By: blumsden

Re: Clover - 02/26/20 04:45 PM

In Alabama, perennial clovers should be planted in the fall. Perennial clovers spend 5-6 months establishing their root systems. That's why there's not a lot of above ground growth during the fall and winter, like annual clovers. Come spring they will take off with a bang. Come summer with a good established root system, planted on soil that holds moisture, with some late afternoon shade, the clover should survive. Planted in spring, the clover doesn't have enough time to establish its root system before our hot dry summer comes. Yes believe it or not, there will come a time when it will stop raining.
Posted By: Stickers

Re: Clover - 02/26/20 11:27 PM

Good info- thanks . Helps to know the right time to spend time, money and effort.
Posted By: fillmore

Re: Clover - 02/27/20 12:43 PM

So to establish a clover plot, you would plant clover along with a cover crop like rye or something. Correct?
Posted By: blumsden

Re: Clover - 02/28/20 03:54 PM

I would mix it in with my fall cereal grains. Be careful not to bury too deep. 1/4 inch maximum depth. I throw and drag, so I dont disk.