Didn't come up?

Posted By: timbercruiser

Didn't come up? - 12/13/18 05:48 PM

3 1/2 weeks ago we planted our last food plot, about 3/4 acre. It was a grown up old hay field that had dog fennels and goldenrod about 6' tall. I cut the area up with an old disc a bunch of passes till the dirt was showing well on the ground. We had a Firmaseeder, sort of like a cultipacker with a no-till seeder on it spread the seed. I went in there yesterday and I don't think there was a single sprouted seed. The seed were tested, bought at the Co-Op. Any ideas what might have prohibited germination?
Posted By: BradB

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/13/18 07:11 PM

I planted about the same time and in the same area as you. Have not seen any recent pics but I did have germination and a green fuzz 10 days ago. I planted Oats as thats all I could really find that late.
Posted By: Fuzzy_Bunny

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/13/18 08:37 PM

Did your seed float away in that monsoon we had?
Posted By: timbercruiser

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/13/18 08:51 PM

I doubt it, that cultipacker mashed them in the ground pretty good. I could still see the tire tracks from the day we planted them. I think I will carry a hoe and see if I can find some of them. I wondered if the chopped up stinking weeds might have killed the germination. It's down towards Goshen.
Posted By: Waldo

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/13/18 10:04 PM

Check your seed label and make sure it isn't old.
Posted By: dBmV

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/14/18 01:03 AM

Posted By: Atoler

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/14/18 01:38 AM

Saw where James was doing that for y’all. He’s a mighty fine guy.
Posted By: timbercruiser

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/14/18 03:44 AM

Yeah, I like the planter, but it doesn't put out fertilizer. The empty bags are long gone. We had a few plots James ran over just to put some more seed in them, but this one had not been planted.
Posted By: muzziehead

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/14/18 08:38 PM

Probably wasnt warm enough to germinate the seeds.
Posted By: timbercruiser

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/15/18 02:44 AM

Rye, wheat and oats? They have barely had a couple of frost in SW Pike county.
Posted By: dirkdaddy

Re: Didn't come up? - 12/15/18 09:26 AM

I bet it will come up soon. The last round of wheat I planted was back in late November, some of it is just now sprouting (as in two days ago). We've had some cold, wet weeks recently, it's definitely slowed germination down some compared to years past.