Summer Plot - Throw and Mow

Posted By: Joe4majors

Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 08:30 AM

I've got at least an acre to work with, perhaps more. What have y'all had luck with in terms of throw and mow for summer crops? I think I've got a pretty good plan for a fall plot, but unsure of summer options.
Posted By: joshm28

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 10:53 AM

I am curious as well. I will be planting some corn and beans via disking and cultipacking but I want to plant some other fields in Sunflowers and was wondering if this is a viable alternative for those types of seeds.
Posted By: ronfromramer

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 11:51 AM

if you plant sunflowers, you better plant plenty of them, deer love them and will wear them out as soon as the plants get leaves. They would probably germinate, throw and mow, but a lot of critters, birds, etc. will eat the seeds if they can get to them. I'd disc them in.
Posted By: blumsden

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 12:12 PM

I'll be planting some sunflowers using this method, as well as milo,sunnhemp,pea's and buckwheat. Cover it with thatch and you have the perfect storm. Don't forget to put your exclusion cage out, that way you'll know if you got good germination. Sometimes deer can hammer a young plot and it will look like a failure.
Posted By: Joe4majors

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 12:32 PM

How do soybeans do with throw and mow? There is a good chance I'll have access/help with plowing, but I'm trying to have a plan B just in case.
Posted By: blumsden

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 02:14 PM

I've had decent germination with soybeans, but they are quite a bit larger seed, than pea's. Having a good layer of thatch, is vital.
Posted By: Joe4majors

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 03:12 PM

Would soybeans planted with sunflower do anything?
Posted By: CNC

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 03:36 PM

In these smaller plots like the one you are dealing with…..things like peas, beans, sunflowers, etc. are likley just going to be decimated by the deer before they every really get going good. It will end up being a very small, short term snack for them that serves you no real purpose. With these small plots you can also throw out the idea that you are planting stuff to “help” the deer herd. What you can accomplish though is attraction and conditioning the deer in your area to use the plot 365 days out of the year. I would look to do this in the summer time mostly through the use of clovers. Given the right conditions, clovers such as durana can persist for most of the summer. These will do best though planted in the fall.

This is my throw and mow test plot as of yesterday. You can see all of the clover that’s present in the mix. I’ll let this clover take me through the summer as long as it will. However, around the end of May when my cereal rye matures and goes to seed, I’m going to broadcast some buckwheat and maybe some radishes into the standing rye and then mow it down over the seed. The idea is that the buckwheat and brassicas will fill in the gaps left by the terminated rye and this will take me through the end of the summer. It may sound odd but I’m actually hoping that crabgrass eventually encroaches on my field enough to give me a grass component to the mix for the purpose of adding more carbon back to the soil as well as being a source of thatch for next year's fall planting.

Posted By: Turkey_neck

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 03:46 PM

You can try and plant some iron clay peas with a mixture of milo or soybean. My plots aren't big but if you can give them a fighting chance the deer will eat them all summer. If you put a deterrent on them you may have a chance.
Posted By: Joe4majors

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 08:33 PM

Originally Posted By: CNC
In these smaller plots like the one you are dealing with…..things like peas, beans, sunflowers, etc. are likley just going to be decimated by the deer before they every really get going good.

I suppose some sort of electric fence would be useless?

And yes, the idea would be of keeping deer on the property more than helping the herd.
Posted By: CNC

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 08:56 PM

Originally Posted By: Joe4majors

I suppose some sort of electric fence would be useless?

E-fence set-up seems to work great for folks who only have one or two small plots. If you want to invest in one that will change the whole game for your summer plantings.
Posted By: Yelp softly

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/24/15 09:57 PM

A 2 row fence set-up has been proven to keep deer out better than any other fencing system besides a high fence. The premise is that deer have very poor depth perception. Because they can't tell exactly how far away the 2nd row of fencing is, they're too afraid to try and jump it. Someone wrote that deer can jump high, or they can jump far, but they can't jump high and far.

I will be trying this if I ever decide to plant corn or beans again.
Posted By: blumsden

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/25/15 07:12 AM

With high deer density's and small plots, i would recommend planting buckwheat. It's really easy to grow, the deer will eat it, but they typically don't destroy it, unless the habitat is lacking.
Posted By: Joe4majors

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/25/15 08:11 PM

What would you say is the minimum number of acres that wouldn't get browsed to death?
Posted By: CNC

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/25/15 08:21 PM

Originally Posted By: Joe4majors
What would you say is the minimum number of acres that wouldn't get browsed to death?

It really just depends on the amount of deer using the plot as well as the quality of the surrounding habitat. Small one acre plots of peas, sunflowers, etc...tend to not be able to keep up in the vast majority of situations. In higher deer density areas even 3-4 acre fields still get decimated.
Posted By: Joe4majors

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/25/15 08:30 PM

I probably have 4 to 5 acres total that could be planted within 55 acres. Marion county so decent deer population if I had to guess, although I sat in a tree for many many hours seeing nada. There is only so much I am going to be able to do, but it is fun to learn and brainstorm.
Posted By: Turkey_neck

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/25/15 08:52 PM

I only have 1 3/4 acres of fields on my 40 acres and if I can get my iron and clay peas up good they will last till October. I have about 10-13 deer using my property regularly.
Posted By: Joe4majors

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 02/25/15 09:08 PM

Originally Posted By: Turkey_neck
I only have 1 3/4 acres of fields on my 40 acres and if I can get my iron and clay peas up good they will last till October. I have about 10-13 deer using my property regularly.

I like the sound of that.
Posted By: Phil_Army

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/20/20 01:20 AM

I'm going to try Buckwheat and Iron Clay Peas on a few throw and mow spots. I sprayed behind my house last weekend and it's good and dead now. Will bush hog it on Tuesday or Wednesday when I get home from work if the Thursday rain forecast still holds up. I sprayed at my lease in Fayette County this weekend so it will be ready to go by this weekend but won't be able to get to it until the following week
Posted By: Joe4majors

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/20/20 03:28 AM

Originally Posted by Phil_Army
I'm going to try Buckwheat and Iron Clay Peas on a few throw and mow spots. I sprayed behind my house last weekend and it's good and dead now. Will bush hog it on Tuesday or Wednesday when I get home from work if the Thursday rain forecast still holds up. I sprayed at my lease in Fayette County this weekend so it will be ready to go by this weekend but won't be able to get to it until the following week

Digging a little deep into the ALDEER archives huh?
Posted By: Phil_Army

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/20/20 05:36 PM

Yes sir! This place is a wealth of information lol
Posted By: Phil_Army

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/22/20 01:14 AM

Got my seed out today and bush hogged it. The seed definitely made it to the soil but didn’t have as much cut grass laying on it as I would’ve thought. 2-3” of rain coming Thursday morning so we’ll see what happens

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Posted By: Turkey_neck

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/22/20 02:27 AM

Sounds like a good mix
Posted By: Phil_Army

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/22/20 03:25 AM

Originally Posted by Turkey_neck
Sounds like a good mix

Only $23 per bag at the co-op. Going to try throw and mow at my house and then one spot at my lease in Fayette. If it doesn't turn out good then I only wasted a little bit of time and a little bit of money
Posted By: blumsden

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/22/20 01:33 PM

My only worry would be the soybeans. That's a large seed. The peas, millet, and sorghum will do fine. The sunflowers will do ok. I like a mix of peas, buckwheat and sunn hemp. I hope yours does well. It's a good situation with the ground soft and wet and rain on the way.
Posted By: Turkey_neck

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/23/20 12:00 PM

Blum soybeans normally do fine at my house until the deer get them
Posted By: mdf

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/24/20 05:57 PM

Phil which co op did you get your seed from. No one carries that mix in North Bama
that I can find
Posted By: mdf

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/24/20 06:02 PM

Also have another question can i spray and go back say 5 days later throw seed
and bushog. Was wanting to do a few small plots of buckwheat and sunnhemp.
Posted By: Phil_Army

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/24/20 06:11 PM

Originally Posted by mdf
Phil which co op did you get your seed from. No one carries that mix in North Bama
that I can find

I got this from the Northport co-op
Posted By: mdf

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/24/20 07:19 PM

Thanks Phil, just called Decatur the corporate office and they said no more in stock.
Dang looks like they wouldn't be out of it by now. Another biotch I've got is why local
Co-ops don't even carry it. I've called all the surrounding co-op and nothing.
Posted By: 257wbymag

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/24/20 08:03 PM

Call Clemons and hammer seed over in killen AL. Tell them what you want. Theyll blend it if they have the seeds on hand right now.
Posted By: 257wbymag

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/24/20 08:06 PM
Posted By: mdf

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 04/24/20 10:59 PM

Hey thanks 257. that's the same blend. I'll give them a holler
Posted By: Phil_Army

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 06/08/20 05:26 PM

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Thought mine was going to be a bust but it’s starting to come up pretty good now. I’ll take some more in a few days. I’m having deer in this field every afternoon as well
Posted By: BradB

Re: Summer Plot - Throw and Mow - 06/08/20 05:58 PM

I can tell ya for a fact corn and soybeans need to be covered.Could not finish dragging a field because it rained on us. Had hoped the hard rain and moisture for over a week would save us but no luck.To the right of the poles and in front of pic is a five way mix similar to what has been discussed above that was not dragged but I did pack it with buggy tires.Got great germination.To the left of the poles in foreground is beans/corn that did get dragged in.It is pretty obvious where we had to stop.

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Luckily we did get the north part of field totally done.

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