
Posted By: Fully_Loaded

Skunks - 01/14/11 02:27 PM

OK I have searched high and low with a few results but I know location plays a key in some situations. Last year on the field we hunted never saw or smelled skunks. This year as of the 1st of the year everytime we go there is a couple of skunks in the field usually right around the shooting house and they are spraying to mark territory I guess because when they are around they always smell as if they lightly sprayed. Nothing overwhelming, but since we have started seeing them we have seen very little on the deer end. My camera does not even see what it use to. Do skunks scare off deer???? If so how can I get rid of them without shooting them. I only sling a round on this field if I intend to shoot something to eat.
Posted By: auburn17

Re: Skunks - 01/14/11 02:44 PM

I hunt in Magnolia Plantation and we too have been seeing numerous skunks, but little to no deer action. I got 6 different skunks on video in one sit last weekend.
Posted By: perchjerker

Re: Skunks - 01/14/11 02:45 PM

You know a deers nose is way more sensitive than yours.Could be that the skunks scent drowns out everything else. This would diminish their ability to smell predators. So to feel safe they avoid the area. Just a thought.
Posted By: Fully_Loaded

Re: Skunks - 01/16/11 04:13 AM

I thought about it like that as well, but it is hard for me to figure out since it appears that the deer everywhere in this area have not been moving much but it is hard to tell. There has not been a time I can remember where I went out to this field and not seen at least 1 or 2 does somewhere on the field until now. I may go again in the next day or 2.
Posted By: globe

Re: Skunks - 01/16/11 02:09 PM

skunks are predators like coons,possums, bobcats, foxes, etc.
buddy of mine saw a fox chase some adult turkeys the other day.
shoot em.
Posted By: 3toe

Re: Skunks - 01/16/11 03:41 PM

This thread stinks.