Family Friendly Clubs

Posted By: dagwood

Family Friendly Clubs - 06/03/12 09:16 PM

Not all hunters are looking for "family friendly clubs". Following the Texas lead, their clubs are "per gun". I'm an older man who doesn't have kid's or a wife that wants to hunt so why should I want to pay my dues and allow someone paying the same as me to bring his wife and kids every weekend for free. If I was starting a club, I'd go for an old geezers club with no wife's or kids without guess fees. You don't see this on any Alabama hunting club adds. I think there is a market for this.
Posted By: ford150man

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/03/12 10:51 PM

Not every young man that works and supports a family wants to pay the same dues as the old retired geezers that hunts 5-7 days a week while the young guy only gets to go on weekends, but that's the way it goes.
Posted By: Snuffy

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/03/12 11:02 PM

Originally Posted By: dagwood
Not all hunters are looking for "family friendly clubs". Following the Texas lead, their clubs are "per gun". I'm an older man who doesn't have kid's or a wife that wants to hunt so why should I want to pay my dues and allow someone paying the same as me to bring his wife and kids every weekend for free. If I was starting a club, I'd go for an old geezers club with no wife's or kids without guess fees. You don't see this on any Alabama hunting club adds. I think there is a market for this.

I agree completly. Nothings worse than joining a club that advertises low member to acre ratio with LOWWWWWWWWWWWWW PRESSURE and then find out that over half the members have wifes and kids that hunt on there membership for the same price and shoot every doe that sticks there head out.
Posted By: Johnal3

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 01:30 AM

I agree and have seen and have been on both sides. You gotta find a club that fits your needs/wants and stick with it. One way or the other EVERY paying member should know how it is before money exchanges hands to keep moaning and groaning at a minimum!
Posted By: Teacher One

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 01:57 AM

This reminds me of what my daddy always used to say-"you get what you pay for". He also said-"If you don't like it, leave".
Posted By: Bucktrot

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 02:00 AM

I believe you just need strict rules and set up a max number of hunters that can hunt per day off a member's membership.

Here's the biggest issue I have seen.... Members' family members being allowed to hunt on property even if the member (Dad) is not present. That is a no-brainer as I have hunted in clubs where the sons and wives were at the hunting club ALL the time and one time, a son even brought a guest!

There needs to be an age limit when "Little" Johnny is "Adult" Johnny and needs to join!

IMO, at the age of 18, either Little Johnny is in school/military full time or he's considered a guest. Then, at age 21, whether in in school or not, Johnny is an adult and is considered a guest.

IMO. I just think strict guest rules make for better clubs!
Posted By: Teacher One

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 02:25 AM

I don't have anything against family members hunting together, if that is stated in the bylaws.

I just think the best club is based on a dollar amount per gun. I also support an extremely high guest fee that helps cover the club's operations the guest did not work on-like planting the fields, working on the roads, etc. Just my $.02.
Posted By: Johnal3

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 02:40 AM

I don't even know why I responded to this in the first place. I got out of clicks, I mean clubs for these reasons and more! I failed at finding a club where you could hunt a week or two without someone whining about so n so, or groaning about something. It's a shame its that way, but I hunt with my dad and whatever family and friends we want, and that's good enough for me. Good luck to you guys finding the perfect place!
Posted By: wmd

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 03:40 AM

I like the set number of deer per membership clubs that also have limited guest days per membership. You get so many buck and so many does - when your membership quota is up, you quit hunting - doesn't matter if you, your wife, kid, or guest kills them.
Posted By: pozzumhunter

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 01:12 PM

Is this post a joke? Ppl actually don't want women and kids to hunt and learn about the outdoors? REALLY!
Posted By: bigt

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 02:11 PM

Family friendly or not as long as the members know and understand the rules before paying there should not be any problems. Just join the kind of club you want to be in. As for as me I would not hunt with any club that did not encourage children or for that matter spouses to hunt. That is the future of the great hobby I enjoy. Furthermore I will go as far to say I would not hunt with anyone that did not get some form of satisfaction from seeing a kid kills his or her first buck or deer. A person like that needs to look in the mirror for a long time........
Posted By: dagwood

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 02:41 PM

Where did you get that I didn't enjoy seeing a kid kill his first deer? I have 2 grown boys and have been through that and wouldn't take anything for those memories. All I'm saying is there's probably a market for clubs that are one membership, one gun. If you want to bring your small child or wife and let them kill a deer, sit in the house with them and let them pull the trigger. I agree if you can't live with the rules, don't join. That's kind of a no brainer.
Posted By: G/H

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 03:05 PM

Originally Posted By: ford150man
Not every young man that works and supports a family wants to pay the same dues as the old retired geezers that hunts 5-7 days a week while the young guy only gets to go on weekends, but that's the way it goes.

thumbup thumbup thumbup thumbup
Posted By: hunterturf

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 03:34 PM

The best club I was in growing up had "x" deer per membership. If u killed them all by November, you were done. It didn't matter who killed them , member had to sit with guest no matter their age due to antler restrictions and judging
Posted By: bigt

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 03:34 PM

Originally Posted By: dagwood
Where did you get that I didn't enjoy seeing a kid kill his first deer? I have 2 grown boys and have been through that and wouldn't take anything for those memories. All I'm saying is there's probably a market for clubs that are one membership, one gun. If you want to bring your small child or wife and let them kill a deer, sit in the house with them and let them pull the trigger. I agree if you can't live with the rules, don't join. That's kind of a no brainer.

Sounds to me you have an idea. Now all you need to do is lease some land and start this club. There is plenty of land for lease out there. I sure you can fill it up quickly. Good luck! Seriously, that is what makes this world go finding a hole that is not being filled and filling it. If there is a market for this type club and I am sure it instead of waiting for someone else to do it do it yourself. Btw my only child is a grown woman now and has hunted with me since she was 5 and eventhough she is considered an adult now I am eagerly waiting for when I get to start all over showing grandkids the joys of hunting and just being in the woods.
Posted By: bigt

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 03:35 PM

Originally Posted By: wmd
I like the set number of deer per membership clubs that also have limited guest days per membership. You get so many buck and so many does - when your membership quota is up, you quit hunting - doesn't matter if you, your wife, kid, or guest kills them.

I do not have a problem with that rule sounds pretty reasonable.
Posted By: ford150man

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 04:19 PM

My son and I were invited to hunt as guests at a particular club once and when we got there found out we had to sit with the member. This wasn't due to size restrictions because the club was 6 or better. No spread minimum or anything. It was just to keep a guest from taking up an open spot. Even if you and the member that brought you were the only ones there. Turned out the club wasn't very guest friendly. They wanted your guest fees but didn't want you. I felt like I should have been told up front about the situation. I didn't even hunt that day. I let my son go out with my friend that invited us but I just pretty much relaxed for the day.
Posted By: Bucktrot

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/04/12 07:56 PM

I am 100% for kids hunting and think that a first time hunter should be able to kill just about any buck they want and then it should be celebrated like it is a state record. I love children and hunting and encourage it.

When I did have the autonomy to make a rule on family guests and regular guests, I encouraged family guests but put a limit of no more than two family guests and no more than one regular guest hunting per day. I had unlimited "family guests" days and limited regular guests days. The paying member had to be present for member's guests, both family and regular, to hunt.

I had a man who wanted his wife to be allowed to hunt without him present and I said no, but she could be the "member" and hunt without you but the same applied to him.

I also had a man who had five sons and all were in the hunting age and wanted all five to be able to hunt with him at the same time and I had to say no. Only two family guests could hunt at a time with the paying member. I hated it but that was my commitment and rule to my members.

Of course, it's all about what you want. There is nothing wrong with allowing spouses and children of paying members to hunt without the paying member present if that's what you want.

I personally like less pressure as well as a safer hunting environment and although I KNOW I have done a great job teaching my children hunter/gun safety, I do not have the confidence in other paying members doing the same as evidence of some kids and young adults handling of weapons around the camphouse and the (some, not all) parents' lack of concern about safety.

Luckily, there are all types of hunting clubs out there.
Posted By: metalmuncher

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/05/12 02:21 AM

Originally Posted By: Teacher One
I also support an extremely high guest fee that helps cover the club's operations the guest did not work on-like planting the fields, working on the roads, etc. Just my $.02.

Then they are not GUESTS, they are CLIENTS. my $.02 No offense intended, Its just that I have been brought up to believe that a guest should receive somewhat special treatment. A guest at H&H hunting club in Russell Co. could expect a 25.00 fee(with that being covered by a member fairly often), A decent breakfast, a great supper, a very freindly atmosphere, same chance at a good stand as members, help skinning and quartering, and laughed at if they miss, just like everyone else, and an invite to come back if they dont break rules or offend anyone.
Posted By: JA

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/05/12 05:49 PM

I guess I would technically qualify as an old geezer since my kids are grown and gone and my wife doesn't hunt. In my current club, we have several members with kids. I have found that they make great members because they want a nice place to bring their kids with a good chance of seeing but not necessarily killing a deer. They keep the clubhouse clean and follow the rules. They also don't hunt nearly as much since they seem to have lots of activities on the weekend (soccer matches, ballgames, etc).

I think every club needs some balance. Too many old geezers would put alot of pressure on the property. But on the other hand, the old geezers end up doing most of the work and have the extra resources to provide amenities to the club typically not paid for by club dues.
Posted By: msudog

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/05/12 05:52 PM

Then they are not GUESTS, they are CLIENTS. my $.02 No offense intended, Its just that I have been brought up to believe that a guest should receive somewhat special treatment. A guest at H&H hunting club in Russell Co. could expect a 25.00 fee(with that being covered by a member fairly often), A decent breakfast, a great supper, a very freindly atmosphere, same chance at a good stand as members, help skinning and quartering, and laughed at if they miss, just like everyone else, and an invite to come back if they dont break rules or offend anyone.

sounds great! how would a man get an invite? lol
Posted By: metalmuncher

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/06/12 12:37 AM

Originally Posted By: msudog
Then they are not GUESTS, they are CLIENTS. my $.02 No offense intended, Its just that I have been brought up to believe that a guest should receive somewhat special treatment. A guest at H&H hunting club in Russell Co. could expect a 25.00 fee(with that being covered by a member fairly often), A decent breakfast, a great supper, a very freindly atmosphere, same chance at a good stand as members, help skinning and quartering, and laughed at if they miss, just like everyone else, and an invite to come back if they dont break rules or offend anyone.

sounds great! how would a man get an invite? lol

By rolling back the calendar. We lost the land last year after close to 20 yrs.
Posted By: Bucktrot

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/06/12 01:54 AM

JA, you're right. Let's see... I have fall baseball, lacrosse, football, soccer, plays, AU Football games, dance, kids' parties and add to it, neighborhood parties that my wife wants to attend, family Christmas functions... let's see.... I know there is something else!!!

I join hunting clubs and about the only time I hunt is in Jan. Which ain't bad hunting.

Anyway, I like hunting clubs that exists for "the paying member and his/her family members" and not necessarily for the guests. IMO
Posted By: ATDH

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/06/12 02:22 AM

Originally Posted By: Snuffy
Originally Posted By: dagwood
Not all hunters are looking for "family friendly clubs". Following the Texas lead, their clubs are "per gun". I'm an older man who doesn't have kid's or a wife that wants to hunt so why should I want to pay my dues and allow someone paying the same as me to bring his wife and kids every weekend for free. If I was starting a club, I'd go for an old geezers club with no wife's or kids without guess fees. You don't see this on any Alabama hunting club adds. I think there is a market for this.

I agree completly. Nothings worse than joining a club that advertises low member to acre ratio with LOWWWWWWWWWWWWW PRESSURE and then find out that over half the members have wifes and kids that hunt on there membership for the same price and shoot every doe that sticks there head out.

sounds like some clubs around millport al
Posted By: Marlin_444

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/08/12 08:43 PM

I've never been much for rules, but I do like to get out there as often as I can.

We set a 3 doe limit this past season and a 8 point only for 3 bucks.

Seemed to work well; I've seen lots of deer in the off season while Coyote Hunting...

Yellow Creek Hunt Club - Houston, AL (Winston County) at the base of the Bankhead National Forest.

Took this hoss by happen stance 300 yards inside the forest off our property; main beam 7 - 4.5 years old 195 lbs on the hoof 20" spread with all kinds of stickers at the base; I was glad he ran nearly to the road so my drag was merely 50 yards + or minus... Hames proceses for me and said he took 100 pouds of bone out of this deer...

Don't be fooled, you gotta show up early and often to get these deers in Houston - - I missed an old 10 point plus (I know - cut the shirt tail) on the next to the last day of the season...

We have openings, ping me and I'll hook you up!

Posted By: teamduckdown

Re: Family Friendly Clubs - 06/08/12 10:47 PM

Originally Posted By: Marlin_444
Hames proceses for me and said he took 100 pouds of bone out of this deer...

That means you only got about 45 lbs of meat. That sucks for you. grin