Choc WMA Primative Weapons Hunt

Posted By: CVAwolf

Choc WMA Primative Weapons Hunt - 11/12/18 06:57 AM

Mon, Tues, Wed, Thurs is Choc WMA BP hunt, doe or 4.+ buck, hunters choice.
As everyone has seen on the news, nothing but rain, 100% Monday and most of Tues, and I think even more Wed.
I ONLY hunt with my BP rifle during gun hunts, but hunting in the rain sucks on the pellets.
When they get wet they somewhat fall apart.
Last year I went out in that heavy snow storm we had, didn't see a thing, and when I unloaded one of the pellets crumbled on one end. I even had tape over the barrel and taped over where the gun breaches, and still they got damp.

Anyone else notice the pellets crumbling when wet?
Will they fire correctly when wet (as in both pellets fire at once)?
Still undecided if I am going at all Mon/Tues.
Would hate to have a shot and pull the trigger and have some weird delayed explosion.
Posted By: Bigtymer81

Re: Choc WMA Primative Weapons Hunt - 11/12/18 07:34 AM

I was gonna go to Bankhead for the BP, think ill just stay home frown
Posted By: Bamabucks14

Re: Choc WMA Primative Weapons Hunt - 11/12/18 12:10 PM

I use loose powder but my dad uses pellets and he has had them break before loading them. So he dropped the chin is in and seated the ball real good and didn’t have any problems. Getting wet is different. When raining I put a latex glove over the barrel. If you need to shoot, no problem. The glove has no effect on accuracy.
Posted By: 7x57_Mauser

Re: Choc WMA Primative Weapons Hunt - 11/12/18 02:26 PM

I have a Remington 700ML. Back in the day they sold a little weather shroud that covered the nipple. I take a candle and seal that part with some wax, just a sweating a pipe fitting. I also tape the muzzle. Never had a problem with water intrusion.

Also, if you use pellets and seat the bullet with too much force, it will crack them. It's a fine line between leaving an air gap (which you DO NOT WANT = pipe bomb) and seating to the correct depth.
Posted By: Karl9

Re: Choc WMA Primative Weapons Hunt - 11/12/18 03:28 PM

I use small balloons on the barrel whenever I hunt in bad weather on any gun I use.
Posted By: CVAwolf

Re: Choc WMA Primative Weapons Hunt - 11/12/18 04:59 PM

When I hunted in the snow last year I did have the end of the barrel coverd/taped and also had a piece of tape over the top of the breech plug when it's closed.. Lol I still got them wet somehow..I'll take some kind of rubber next time.
When I said the pellets crumbled, it wasn't due to having too much force exerted. The end was wet and it just crubmled when I dropped it out of the barrel..And my fingers were black lol
My push rod is marked so I know exactly how far it needs to go down when seating the bullet.

Thanks for the tips all smile as I'm still sitting in the house watching the never ending rain lol
Todays a complete wash out but I'm sure the deer are moving otherwise they would just be soaked lying in one spot..unless they got a good spot lol
Posted By: ridgestalker

Re: Choc WMA Primative Weapons Hunt - 11/12/18 06:04 PM

Weather like this is were a Knight shines. Put a balloon over the barrel and the primer in its plastic jacket is almost 100 percent waterproof.