Buck not rubbing velvet off question

Posted By: Gib

Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 07:38 AM

First off I apologise for the poor pic quality, I checked the card on my barn computer and only took a picture of a picture.
That being said, this deer is a local buck we have been passing the last few years. I haven't been running many trail cams this year, and only have pics in August and then again the last few days. He appeared normal in August, yet when I checked yesterday he has failed to rub the velvet from the top part of his rack. His body size also doesn't seem nearly what our normal 4yos are, yet that could be unrelated. It just seemed odd and I thought I would see if others had seen anything similar.
Posted By: BhamFred

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 08:10 AM

dosen't mean a thing...
Posted By: scrubbuck

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 08:26 AM

I killed a cowhorn spike several years ago in November that was still in velvet. Body cavity was full of white worms when I cleaned him.
Don't know if the two were related or not.
Posted By: Gib

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 10:38 AM

It just struck me as a little odd. They usually seem to clean it all up in a very short time. I hope it stays on there and we are able to get him. It would make it a pretty cool trophy.
Posted By: 2Dogs

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 10:54 AM

That velvet can turn loose and fall off in a matter of a couple of hours. Bucks don't have to rub it off, they rub immediately after shedding because they get a little testosterone boost.
Posted By: Gib

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 11:07 AM

Well I guess we better shoot him quick then... 😁
Posted By: perchjerker

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 11:44 AM

When the velvet stays on it often is caused by injury to the testicles. That is usually accompanied by odd antlers. This buck looks to have a good rack, maybe its just a personality trait. Has he kept velvet in past years ?
Posted By: crocker

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 12:02 PM

I am seeing this on several deer that I have history with. Wondered if it was something to do with drought.
Posted By: Gib

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 12:26 PM

Nah perch, he was out before bow season last year. That's what prompted the question. Out of all the deer we've had on camera over the years, this was a first. I had assumed since his antlers had hardened that there wouldn't be a testicle problem.
Posted By: perchjerker

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 01:05 PM

Thanks for the reply GIB. Good luck, hope you get him.
Posted By: slippinlipjr

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/30/16 03:10 PM

I just had a new buck show up on camera that has a lot of velvet still on his rack. All the rest of our bucks are nice and shiny white.
Posted By: nomercy

Re: Buck not rubbing velvet off question - 10/31/16 11:08 PM

I had pics of 3 in velvet much later than normal. One finally shed it last week. Stil had a 4 pt in velvet we saw and was one of those on camera. Never seen them in velvet this late