
Posted By: BPro927

Ozonics - 07/14/16 08:17 PM

I am thinking of getting the 300-HR Ozonics. I was wondering if anyone has an opinion or story.

Posted By: SouthBamaSlayer

Re: Ozonics - 07/14/16 08:19 PM

Just flush that cash down the toilet. It'll do just as good of a job.
Posted By: jaredhunts

Re: Ozonics - 07/14/16 08:22 PM

I don't know much about it but from the past threads nobody really liked it.
Posted By: tbest3

Re: Ozonics - 07/14/16 09:31 PM

Not sure about their effectiveness, but if they worked as well as they magically do for all these big name hunters on TV I wouldn't mind spending a few hundred on one.
Posted By: Yelp softly

Re: Ozonics - 07/14/16 09:36 PM

Originally Posted By: tbest3
Not sure about their effectiveness, but if they worked as well as they magically do for all these big name hunters on TV I wouldn't mind spending a few hundred on one.

They don't work magically for those guys either. They hunt many days and countless hours at some of the best lodges in the country to piece together several hours of footage to compile one season worth of shows.
Posted By: jwalker77

Re: Ozonics - 07/14/16 10:12 PM

Good shooting house, good windows, off the ground. This works. They'll never know you're there. Put a heater in it, you'll stay warm. You can build one for about what ozonics will cost
Posted By: Fezzik

Re: Ozonics - 07/15/16 12:00 AM

While ozone is proven to neutralize odors, I don't believe the unit could put out enough o3 to neutralize all of the scent coming off of a person in an open environment. I'm all for trying to reduce scent but I don't think it can be done real time and their commercials piss me off

Just hunt smart and hunt the wind, use that money for something better
Posted By: bamacamp

Re: Ozonics - 07/15/16 02:59 PM


I guess Im in the minority on this board but I use Ozonics and feel it works. I do my best to hunt the wind but the great majority of places I hunt are hills and hollows so to speak so rarely do I get a perfect steady wind in one direction.

I bought the 200 last year prior to bow season and had several very close encounters with non shooter bucks and does before shooting a nice buck at around 35 yards. Now there is no way I can say it helped or didn't help but heck it gives me confidence. I will say you are wasting your time running it with a strong wind but with steady mild wind I have mine on at all times.

Downsides--if you hunt all day or even morning sit, take a break then hunt PM get another battery bc you are going to get around 4-5 hours max with the battery they give you. Otherwise I don't have a lot of complaints about the unit. I have noticed the 300 myself and would like to see how much more ozone the machine makes.
Posted By: BIGBUCK01

Re: Ozonics - 07/15/16 11:54 PM

It's all about playing the wind IMO. Don't have the link, but check out field and streams website, they did a test with all the scent eliminators
Posted By: Kounse

Re: Ozonics - 07/16/16 08:16 AM

I don't know if it works are not but I'd be smart consumer.

But I will NEVER be one of those guys that doubts what technology can do for you.

I'm just open to whatever the answer might be.

The method of action makes sense but does it work in the wind, in the environment in which it will be used? And, I don't know the answer!
Posted By: Kounse

Re: Ozonics - 07/16/16 08:18 AM

Originally Posted By: Fezzik
While ozone is proven to neutralize odors, I don't believe the unit could put out enough o3 to neutralize all of the scent coming off of a person in an open environment. I'm all for trying to reduce scent but I don't think it can be done real time and their commercials piss me off

Just hunt smart and hunt the wind, use that money for something better

This is a smart man!
Posted By: tbest3

Re: Ozonics - 07/16/16 10:52 PM

Originally Posted By: Yelp softly
Originally Posted By: tbest3
Not sure about their effectiveness, but if they worked as well as they magically do for all these big name hunters on TV I wouldn't mind spending a few hundred on one.

They don't work magically for those guys either. They hunt many days and countless hours at some of the best lodges in the country to piece together several hours of footage to compile one season worth of shows.

I use the word magically with sarcasm. It's all about business when it comes to the promotion of most things like the ozonics. I know it takes several, several hours of footage to produce one season of quality shows and I know they put their work in. I just hate to hear them on the commercials saying the ozonics was their sole reason for success on that once in a lifetime buck.
Posted By: tbest3

Re: Ozonics - 07/16/16 10:57 PM

Originally Posted By: bamacamp

I guess Im in the minority on this board but I use Ozonics and feel it works. I do my best to hunt the wind but the great majority of places I hunt are hills and hollows so to speak so rarely do I get a perfect steady wind in one direction.

I bought the 200 last year prior to bow season and had several very close encounters with non shooter bucks and does before shooting a nice buck at around 35 yards. Now there is no way I can say it helped or didn't help but heck it gives me confidence. I will say you are wasting your time running it with a strong wind but with steady mild wind I have mine on at all times.

Downsides--if you hunt all day or even morning sit, take a break then hunt PM get another battery bc you are going to get around 4-5 hours max with the battery they give you. Otherwise I don't have a lot of complaints about the unit. I have noticed the 300 myself and would like to see how much more ozone the machine makes.

A lot of times a good dose of confidence in the stand can be just as big of an asset as any piece of hunting equipment.
Posted By: BPro927

Re: Ozonics - 07/23/16 04:01 AM

Thank you for all the input! I walk approximately a mile to where I hunt. I have had the same doe pick me up on two seperate occasions. The first time she intersected my down wind. She didn't blow or stomp, just looked at me hard and hastily walked away. Second time, I think she just checked the tree.

I think I am going to waste the money on it and try it, but still deciding.

By the way, I am hunting a refuge, I don't get the luxury of a heated, scent proof, wind proof 5 star shooting house. I choose to hike in where grandpa lives. I just want to make sure my stink is not what gives me away.

Again, thank you everyone!
Posted By: Remington270

Re: Ozonics - 07/24/16 10:48 PM

Ozone is toxic to humans. That alone would make me avoid the product.
Posted By: tbest3

Re: Ozonics - 07/24/16 11:28 PM

Let us know how you think it's working after you take it out a few times this season. It's gonna be here before we know it.
Posted By: Forrestgump1

Re: Ozonics - 07/25/16 12:13 AM

If they worked as well as they are said to they would be illegal. The mexican cartel would own ozonics.
Posted By: bushhogbowhunter

Re: Ozonics - 07/25/16 10:04 PM

Say what you want.. Ozonics works!! How many of you that are saying it does not own a scentblocker, scentlok suit? How do you know that those work?
Yes Ozone is can be toxic but you would have to huff it to get any type of symptoms. I'll take any advantage I can get!
Posted By: extreme heights hunter

Re: Ozonics - 07/26/16 12:00 AM

Marlboro filterless! That's where it's at!
Posted By: GomerPyle

Re: Ozonics - 07/26/16 11:04 AM

Hunt the wind, and spray a little scent killer on your clothes the night before if it makes you feel better. I certainly don't have near the experience that most on this board have, but I hunt on a budget. I wear regular old camo clothes, no scent-lok stuff. I don't use ozonics or any other fancy scent equipment. I spray my boots and my outer layer with scent killer spray the night before - it's cheap. I don't know if it helps but I figure for a few dollars, might as well. I try to hunt the wind as much as possible.

While I don't have the experience most have, I've had, on many occasions, deer surrounding me in a stand, oblivious to my presence. I've had them literally rub up against my ladder stands with me in them. I can think of a LOT of hunting equipment I'd like to spend $300 on (or even an out of state license and gas money to hunt different places) before I'd spend it on something like ozonics.

Posted By: PassThru

Re: Ozonics - 08/05/16 08:04 PM

I'm with Bamacamp on this one. I've used the 200 for about three years with good results. I think it works VERY well when in a partially enclosed space (such as a shooting house), and pretty well when in the open. Sometimes deer will stop momentarily when they are in my scent stream, but they seldom do more than that. Mind you, I'm not endorsing hunting against the wind, but I feel the ozonics gives me an edge when a deer comes from the "wrong" direction. I also use detergent that is unscented and has no brighteners, as well as using unscented soak (not necessarily "hunting" products). (If you buy one, I'd suggest you get two batteries if you hunt morning and evening.

BTW, someone mentioned a test Field and Stream did. I looked it up and attached the links below (I hope they work). The first link is for the general test. The second is for the ozonics specific test. The gist is that the ozonics worked quite well in their tests.
Posted By: BamaGrad85

Re: Ozonics - 08/05/16 09:30 PM

Originally Posted By: GomerPyle
Hunt the wind, and spray a little scent killer on your clothes the night before if it makes you feel better. I certainly don't have near the experience that most on this board have, but I hunt on a budget. I wear regular old camo clothes, no scent-lok stuff. I don't use ozonics or any other fancy scent equipment. I spray my boots and my outer layer with scent killer spray the night before - it's cheap. I don't know if it helps but I figure for a few dollars, might as well. I try to hunt the wind as much as possible.

While I don't have the experience most have, I've had, on many occasions, deer surrounding me in a stand, oblivious to my presence. I've had them literally rub up against my ladder stands with me in them. I can think of a LOT of hunting equipment I'd like to spend $300 on (or even an out of state license and gas money to hunt different places) before I'd spend it on something like ozonics.


Posted By: Iowa

Re: Ozonics - 08/05/16 10:35 PM

This will be long, but worth the read if you truly want to know more about the Ozonics and how it works.

I'll be the first to admit, I was a skeptic, and am a skeptic when it comes to gimmicky pieces of gear. I was like most of you and thought this was the kind of thing I'd never waste my money on.

And, I'll say this up front, even after what I'm about to say, I know many still won't believe, I was the same way until I tried it.

Before I reached out to Ozonics, I talked to a good friend of mine who was working on a scent killer system using the ozone technology. He explained to me that several hockey teams and the Green Bay Packers had been putting ozone-creating units in their locker room to decrease the obvious scent of sweat. And it was working wonders.

I also learned that many rental car and real estate agencies use ozone generators to eliminate scent, smoke especially. The ozone attacks the scent and destroys it.

I grew up with, and still have, severe springtime allergies, and my mother bought me a ozone maker when I was in high school, and I can tell you as someone who suffers with extensive respiratory issues, I can feel how much I breathe better in a room where one of these is running. They kill pet dander, among other allergins and scents.

With that said, and knowing how the concept works in sports teams locker rooms, why wouldn't it add something to the deer hunting world?

I was skeptical, like I said, so I called Ozonics and managed to get the president on the phone. I wanted to hear his sales pitch--and I'm a guy who doesn't take a hardcore sales pitch well, but I thought I'd hear what he had to say.

Up front, he told me that like many other scent elimination systems, this would not kill 100 percent of odor emitted by humans in the woods. What he did tell me is that 80 to 90 percent of my downwind encounters would end positively as opposed to not running the unit at all. And on top of that, he said that "forgetting the wind" is exactly the wrong way to approach deer hunting, period. He said the Ozonics would improve your hunting experience, not make you invisible to a deer's nose...

But it is also worth noting that if the unit is not set up and used correctly, it won't be as effective. That means there is a wrong way to use it

In short, it gives you an edge. I'm a edge kind of guy.

After what I would consider an honest and consumable sales pitch, I decided to buy two units and give them a go.

After 100s of hours testing the unit in the tree in three different states and one Canadian province, I can tell you with confidence they certainly add something to the equation of successful deer hunting.

Do they work every time out under every downwind encounter? No. But, here's my honest assessment:

We've all been there, a big doe shows up downwind and blows her slutty little nose off for 20 minutes alerting every deer in the county to your presence. The Ozonics will greatly help reduce those downwind blowups. I promise you that much ...

When it comes to bucks, it'll bring them closer before they break your scent cone, which actually seems to confuse them more than alert them.

Seems like a small edge, but any kind of edge is worth considering in this game.

Proper set up: The Ozonics needs to be set about 6 inches above your head and on the downwind side of your position. The goal is to have the scent particles emitted from the unit to attach themselves to your scent particles. The O2 particles are heavier than yours, so they drag them to the ground almost directly below you.

Now, if the wind is blowing pretty strongly, the Ozonics is pretty useless, unless the wind blows in spurts, then it's worth setting up. That means I take it with me everywhere.

In a swirling wind situation, I've found it to be very useful. Like I said before, it seems to confuse deer more than alert them, and will reduce that obnoxious mature doe freakout thing.

Let's address the "Toxic to humans" thing. Yes, if you your mouth on the output for extensive periods of time, you probably won't feel good. But, in a ventilated blind-type situation, you'll be just fine. It is NOT toxic, and it won't hurt you at all, especially from a treestand.

So, that's my assessment. My personal experience says that it's a worthwhile piece of equipment. But, you'll have to determine if it's worth the money, because they ain't cheap.

I don't hunt without it anymore, and I believe it gives me an edge, the kind of edge that has helped me kill several deer. Again, it won't make you invisible to a deer's nose, but if you can fool it once in a while, doesn't that hold some merit?

In short: Think reduced downwind blowups from mature does. To me, that's worth every penny.
Posted By: Remington270

Re: Ozonics - 08/05/16 10:59 PM

Iowa, you say it's safe, but it's still not:

EPA Linky
Posted By: James

Re: Ozonics - 08/06/16 04:03 AM

Originally Posted By: Yelp softly
Originally Posted By: tbest3
Not sure about their effectiveness, but if they worked as well as they magically do for all these big name hunters on TV I wouldn't mind spending a few hundred on one.

They don't work magically for those guys either. They hunt many days and countless hours at some of the best lodges in the country to piece together several hours of footage to compile one season worth of shows.
Actually "most" of those guys are not the ones doing the hard work. They have folks at them fine establishments doing all the scouting/patterning for them