What's your favorite?

Posted By: hogjaw

What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 06:57 PM

Cover Scent? I know it depends on where your hunting and what's in the area. But what do you find yourself using? Talk about it? I'm just curious what's used guess is with Fresh Earth.

Fresh Earth?
Something Else?
Posted By: 10gauge

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 07:06 PM

Fresh Earth is something I use quite a bit. Alot of times I just break off some natural green foliage in the area and rub it all over me.
Posted By: muzziehead

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 07:09 PM

I tend to spray down with a fine mist of Dead Down Wind or something similiar and then I just rub either cedar or pine needles all over my clothing, as we have both in the area I hunt.
Posted By: ElkHunter

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 07:17 PM

DDW and then pine or cedar.
Posted By: perchjerker

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 08:26 PM

DDW and fresh earth.
Posted By: BhamFred

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 08:54 PM

baby deer piss, the only cover scent that works 100% of the time , on any deer.

Posted By: Baybuzzard

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 10:09 PM

What's the point of using a cover scent?
If they're smelling your cover scent, then they're smelling you too
Posted By: swamp_fever2002

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 10:30 PM

Posted By: Shaw

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/02/11 11:46 PM

Originally Posted By: Baybuzzard
What's the point of using a cover scent?
If they're smelling your cover scent, then they're smelling you too

Posted By: BhamFred

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 12:16 AM

Originally Posted By: Baybuzzard
What's the point of using a cover scent?
If they're smelling your cover scent, then they're smelling you too

ignorance is bliss..... grin

I've used baby deer piss, fresh and frozen. for a dozen years to cover my walk in and out from my stand. I have never, in hundreds of encounters, had a BAD reaction from any deer, buck or doe. Most, prolly 70% sniff the trail and walk on. Some will trail me to the stand. Some just ignore it altogether.

None, nada, not any of them have had a "spooked, upset" reaction.

I don't use any cover scent IN the stand, just to get there...

Posted By: 3toe

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 12:54 AM

Usually nothing. No reason other than I hunt on the ground and like said above, if they smell the cover scent it is going to smell like human scent with a little pine mixed in. I gave up climbing about 5 years ago. I mainly check the forecasted wind and then just hunt accordingly.

This past Friday I had a doe walk within 10 ft of me before she winded me. I was sitting against a tree, full camo and headnet, had been hunting for about 4 hrs and was sweaty and also had a Thermacell going full blast. When she did hit the scent, she about turned inside out but only ran about 30 ft before stopping and calmed down before slowing walking off.
Posted By: onestep

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 01:12 PM

Troy, is the fawn pee available for purchase?
Posted By: Anonymous

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 02:27 PM

Occasionally I'll break off a pine limb and crush the foliage to rub all over me, but most of the time I just hunt the wind. They are going to smell you if they get downwind.
Posted By: PaschalBD

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 03:23 PM

Originally Posted By: onestep
Troy, is the fawn pee available for purchase?

Posted By: BhamFred

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 04:15 PM

not available for purchase anywhere I know of.

I raise orphaned fawns(licensed) every year for last 30 years. I collect fawn pee after they take a bottle and freeze it.
Posted By: DeepSouthHunter

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 06:29 PM

Originally Posted By: swamp_fever2002

Same here...
Posted By: truedouble

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 08:11 PM

never understood how smoke would be a good cover sent, unless your in an area that for some strange reason has fires on a regular basis. Personally if I smell a fire while hunting it alarms me, cause it's something I hardly ever smell while in the woods. I'm sure it would have worked well for settlers and indians though.
Posted By: PaschalBD

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 10:32 PM

Originally Posted By: BhamFred
not available for purchase anywhere I know of.

I raise orphaned fawns(licensed) every year for last 30 years. I collect fawn pee after they take a bottle and freeze it.

Well then, I see no reason why you couldn't give a little to some fellow aldeer brothers. Other than the fact that it belongs to you and you don't have to. grin
Posted By: BhamFred

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 11:43 PM

show up here and I'll give ya some.....

troy laugh
Posted By: 3toe

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/03/11 11:45 PM

Originally Posted By: BhamFred
not available for purchase anywhere I know of.

I raise orphaned fawns(licensed) every year for last 30 years. I collect fawn pee after they take a bottle and freeze it.

You get coyotes coming to the fawn pee? Seems like you would. Never known a yote to pass up tender young venison.
Posted By: PaschalBD

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/04/11 12:17 AM

Originally Posted By: BhamFred
show up here and I'll give ya some.....

troy laugh

Thanks Troy, I'm from B'ham and I just might give ya a call one day.
Posted By: BhamFred

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/04/11 12:19 AM

I'm right down the road from Tannehill Park...
Posted By: PaschalBD

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/04/11 12:25 AM

Originally Posted By: BhamFred
I'm right down the road from Tannehill Park...

Know exactly where Tanneyhill is, thanks Troy.
Posted By: jlbuc10

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/04/11 01:10 AM

I have found that serveral different types of smoke have worked for me.
Posted By: DeepSouthHunter

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/05/11 12:15 PM

Originally Posted By: truedouble
never understood how smoke would be a good cover sent, unless your in an area that for some strange reason has fires on a regular basis. Personally if I smell a fire while hunting it alarms me, cause it's something I hardly ever smell while in the woods. I'm sure it would have worked well for settlers and indians though.

Here is a quote from an article on Field & Stream's website talking about the Scent Smoker:
"According to the manufacturer, the smoke saturates your clothing and other gear with phenol, a naturally occurring antibacterial and antimicrobial. It also deposits lignin (the sticky substance found in woodsmoke), which keeps odor-causing bacteria from growing. (Phenol and lignin are also what prevents smoked meat from going bad.) Activated carbon is released in the smoke as well. Since the smell of smoke is common, goes the argument, it doesn’t spook deer."
Posted By: 49er

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/05/11 02:33 PM

I don't use anything that don't come from the woods where I hunt. Most of the time, I don't use anything at all but the wind.

Most of the time, I still get busted. That's what makes it fun. grin
Posted By: truedouble

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/06/11 12:54 AM

"since the smell of smoke is common"

That's the part I don't get. I don't have a nose as good as a deer but we don't have many fires at all around our area. No body burns, cause there are no pine plantations, and even camp fires are rare. Not saying it doesn't work, just saying it seems like you would have to be in an area where fires really are common
Posted By: swamp_fever2002

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/06/11 01:25 AM

truedouble check out the time stamps on my pics. Smoked my hunting clothes and went hunting a couple of hours later. Not for everyone but I smokeup all the time.

Posted By: hogjaw

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/06/11 02:25 AM

WOW!!! I would not have the balls to do that!!! LOL! I'd not see a deer for sure then!!! LOL!

When you folks say if the deer are smelling your cover scent they're smelling you too...if I go in and hunt in a stand of pines and spray pine scent on me then it's natural, if I'm hunting where Cedars are, it's natural. I think it helps to cover your scent of course with the help of scent eliminator spray, and put the deer at ease because they are smelling something they are used to smelling. Now the smoke...I dunno! I'd hate to have to sit in the stand and smell smoke on myself all day! LOL!

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/06/11 04:09 AM

Usually earth if I'm hunting in hardwoods or pine needles in the pine stands. Fresh mud for my boots before I walk in if I can find a puddle or two. If nothing else I'll use the scent disks in pine or earth.
Posted By: BUCKMAN26

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/06/11 11:55 AM

I like pine myself, its a common smell for the areas I hunt. the smoke works though. If there is a campfire going before the hunt I will stand down wind of it
Posted By: BhamFred

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/06/11 05:00 PM

I'll say up front I've never tried smoke...BUT I cannot believe that it works...I almost NEVER smell smoke in the woods. ???????

Posted By: slgunnel

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/07/11 11:57 PM

Originally Posted By: BhamFred
I'll say up front I've never tried smoke...BUT I cannot believe that it works...I almost NEVER smell smoke in the woods. ???????


Try it and you'll be surprised. I've had a lot of deer come in downwind of me (a couple within 15ft) and never pay me any attention while sitting on the ground in a made up blind or up a tree in my climber. Something I learned from my grandfather that I have seen work time and time again.

Where I hunt now - people burn trash, have a fire in the fireplace, and burn outside all the time. I never smell it while hunting, but see it when I drive by their houses. The distances deer travel - I don't see why they wouldn't be used to the smell.
Posted By: jawbone

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/08/11 06:49 AM

Originally Posted By: Matt Brock
Occasionally I'll break off a pine limb and crush the foliage to rub all over me, but most of the time I just hunt the wind. They are going to smell you if they get downwind.

My answer is the same except I hunt the wind ALL the time. Well I guess that isn't completely truthful. If the wind shifts right before dark, I'll stick it out and hope he comes up behind me. I do often rub crushed pine needles on me if I'm hunting around pines though. I think it is mostly that it makes me think I'm doing something useful and it is a pleasant smell more than it is covering my scent.
Posted By: BhamFred

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/08/11 04:42 PM

"hunting the wind" sounds good in theory, but I find that it dosen't work so well in practice(in the woods). The wind shifts all the time in the places I hunt(hilly) and deer approacj from all directions. Most of em may approach along the trail or area you think they will after scouting and studying the deer/area, but all certainly don't.

Esp in the rut where does will walk "normal" trails, approaches to food, but bucks will slide downwind of those areas getting downwind of you. During the rut there is no "hunting the wind" due to the erratic nature of rut stupid bucks...or are they stupid???

Posted By: hogjaw

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/08/11 05:02 PM

Makes you think your doing something useful...I think that the key! Whether it works of not...who knows but it gives us a piece of mind. Hey, I've had deer bust me plenty of times while using cover scents, scent elimination products, etc. Was it because they didn't effectually mask my scent? Don't know. Was it because the wind had shifted? don't know. Was it perhaps that I moved and spooked the deer? Maybe! It's kinda like deer calls...If I'm out in the woods and haven't seen squat, I'll pull it out and blow on it a bit just to see. Nothings happens, but hey, it made me feel like I was doing something that might help. I've had success with a call a handful of times. Only once did a buck come charging in. Other times they wondered up. Was it because of the call or were they on their way anyway? Once again, don't know, but it made me feel like I did something to help the hunt. Now the smoke may be just so dang powerful and strong that it really does overwhelm your human scent. Don't know!
Posted By: Baybuzzard

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/08/11 07:06 PM

Smoke is one scent that will over power many other scents... if you've ever been around folks that have been in a smoky bar all night, that is what you tend to smell of them, even if they be wearing purfume or whatever. It definitely works on our sense of smell. Whether or not it over powers a deers sense of smell is questionable. If I were going to put any kind of faith whatsoever in cover scents, smoke would be it.
Posted By: jlbuc10

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/08/11 11:30 PM

Do you think a deer has never smelled smoke in the woods before?
Posted By: hogjaw

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/09/11 09:32 PM

Sure a deer has smelled smoke in the woods before! But to's like this, if the area you hunt is near houses with fireplaces going all the time or other things where fire and smoke is common, then yeah, I think it would be ok. What about if you hunt way back in the woods, a couple miles from a house or something, and smoke is not very common, at all? Seems to me wearing smoke on you into a place like that would be akin to spraying down with cedar scent and walking into a pine thicket, where there's not a cedar tree for a square mile. Or walking into a hardwood bottom with pine scent, where there are no pines. I see alot of scents like apple, corn, persimmon among others. Now if your hunting in a stand of persimmon trees, a corn field, or an apple orchard, or maybe perhaps you have been feeding those things! Te-he! Then they would be natural, if not it's UNNATURAL! In my honest opinion, if smoke is not commonly present, it's unnatural. But whatever works for ya'll!
Posted By: truedouble

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/10/11 01:22 AM

Do I think a deer has never smelled smoke before? Probably does on rare occasions such as when there is a forest fire or hunters start a camp fire. Point is it's not a common smell in most places. I would be concerned that they would associate smoke with human presence and I would also think that a deer 15 yds. down wind of a hunter that is covered in smoke would be a heck of lot stronger than a camp fire 1/2 a mile or more away. Even if it did kind of work I'd hate to smell like smoke all the time. It would have to be the ultimate cover scent for me to even think about trying it, but that's just me.
Posted By: hogjaw

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/10/11 02:02 AM

My thoughts exactly. I hate smelling like smoke. I smoke ribs and butts all the time and the next day I can still smell it in my hair. I hate that! I don't wear my regular hat when I bbq cause I don't wanna smell smoke on it for 5 days! But them ribs and what not sho is good so I deal with it!

If it really works like some of you are sayin, heck I might give it a try one day. But I'd be sittin up there all day, hating the smell of it!
Posted By: jlbuc10

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/10/11 01:42 PM

Im not saying it works or doesnt work, it just seems that anything that would mask human odor would work. Also I feel like i can smell smoke from miles away if the fire is large enough. Also i was more joking ,i wasnt refering to smoke that came from a wood burning fire. The type of smoke i was refering to deer prob havent smelled very often at all.
Posted By: jlbuc10

Re: What's your favorite? - 05/10/11 01:45 PM

BTW hogjaw is it you that makes the ducks calls? If so ive been trying hard to find someone near the auburn area that could possible give me some duck calling lessons or help? any suggestions?